Pope: "Middle East covered with dark clouds"


At an ecumenical meeting with senior representatives of the Eastern and Orthodox Churches, Pope Francis called for greater peace efforts for the Middle East.

The region is currently "covered with black clouds" southern Italian Bari. He cited as main problems "war, violence and destruction", the occupation of certain territories, a compromised fundamentalism and a "forced migration".

  Pope Öumène meets Bari


Pope Francis must In addition to conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians, the region has been hit by several civil wars, as in Libya and Syria, as well as than in Iraq and Yemen. In addition, the Islamic State terrorist militia (IS) attacks several times.

The pope said that he was with his thoughts and heart in the Middle East, "the center of cultures and the cradle of the great monotheistic religions."

Situation of Christian minorities

Francis also deplores the tense situation for Christian minorities in the region – the number of believing Christians in the Middle East is also gradually decreasing in the face of Islamist attacks.

"The presence of our brothers and sisters (could) diminish and disfigure the face of the region.Because a Middle East without Christians would not be the Middle East."

religion.ORF. at / dpa

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