Pope to the wars of the Middle East: "Stop having foreign profiteers!"


Pope Francis reiterated his call for peace and justice in the Middle East. The Pope urged religious representatives of the Middle East to visit Bari today

in Bari, a port city in the south of the country, where the relics were kept "in vain … just for gas and the fuel ". Pope John Paul II invited the Christian patriarchs of the region to a one-day peace prayer

  Pope Bari meets the Middle East

APA / AFP / Alberto Pizzoli

Pope Francis renewed Urgent appeals for peace and justice in the Middle East

Many critics on the Middle East region

Framed by the other 20 religious leaders, Francis criticized a series of factors that hinder peace in the Middle East. with "gaining some at the expense of so much", "ending with earthly occupations that tear apart the peoples" as well as "p aristocratic truths", "obstinate contrasts" and foreign "greed for profit … just to get hold of deposits of gas and fuel ". The meeting in Bari is a clear political signal "against all the geopolitical games of the powers" and should give a voice to the voiceless.

"Silence and complicity of many"

A "thick blanket of darkness" is currently on the Middle East Pope Francis said: "War, violence and destruction, occupations and forms of fundamentalism, forced migration and flight All this happened under the silence and complicity of many.The Middle East has become a land of people leaving their homeland. "

  Pope Francis with the lamp-shaped ship of money

APA / AFP / Alberto Pizzoli

Pope Francis lit a lamp in the form of silver Schiffes

In his speech interrupted several times by applause in front of the Basilica of San Nicola, he also demanded rights for all citizens of the countries. He also criticized the pure rhetoric of peace, "while secretly organizing an unbridled arms race". This "very serious responsibility" weighs heavily on the conscience of nations, especially the most powerful countries. What peace needs is bread and work, dignity, and hope.

Many conflicts in the Middle East were "fueled by fundamentalism and fanaticism" that blasphemed the name of God and persecuted the brother. The neighborhood has lived. "Peace, however, must be cultivated" on the barren terrain of contrasts. "Christians and their churches are committed to walking the path of listening and dialogue, without fear of to speak with one another, to allow others to think and to care for one another. "[19659009JerusalemexigelestatusofQuo

The Pope again called for respect for the status quo of Jerusalem" in accordance with the decisions of the international community " . "The identity and vocation of Jerusalem must be preserved beyond the various conflicts and tensions".

  The dome of the rock in Jerusalem

Reuters / Amir Cohen

The dome of the rock in Jerusalem

"Only a market solution between Israelis and Palestinians, which is highly desired and promoted by the community of nations" To lead a stable and lasting peace and "to ensure the coexistence of two states for two peoples", says the church noberhaupt

"Equal Rights for All Citizens"

In his speech repeatedly interrupted by applause, the pope also spoke more fundamentally of peace in the Middle East. Framed by church leaders, he calls for equal rights for all citizens of countries, criticizing the "land occupations that tear apart nations" as well as the pure rhetoric of peace, while delivering weapons

. all the churches of the Middle East to pray for peace in the region. After the morning prayer meeting, participants in the Basilica of San Nicola discussed the situation of Christians in the Middle East. After having lunch at the Archbishop's house in Bari, the pope wished to say goodbye to the church leaders in the afternoon and return to Rome at 4 pm.

Patriarchs: Christians want to stay in the Middle East

Bari Prayer proves that ecclesiastical leaders in the Middle East Pray for the peace and well-being of all the inhabitants of the Middle East, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II then pointed out to the Italian Catholic News Agency SIR

"We are here to show that we are in the United Prayer is that we all want peace in the world and above all in the Middle East and that we want to be sure that Christians will stay in this region with the help of God, "said the Patriarch.

  The participants of the Ecumenical Summit Bari

APA / AFP / Alberto Pizzoli

The participants of the Ecumenical Summit of Bari

Aphrem II also went to Si The situation of the metropolitans of Aleppo removed Mor Gregorios Youhanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi. In addition, he has hope and pray that they are alive, even if there is no news.

He urged to do everything possible for the release – the Metropolitan, by P. Paolo Dall & # 39; Oglio, who was kidnapped in negotiations with the leaders of the terrorist group IS on the liberation of the Metropolitans themselves as well as other kidnapped priests and lay Christians. "We think that the world has forgotten all these people, no one is doing enough for them," said Mor Ignatius, "The fate of the people of the Middle East is in the hands of international politics, but the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate does not have enough. does not pay enough attention to this question Many Eastern Christians are forced to leave their ancestral homes Those who want peace in the Middle East and Europe must help Christians to stay at home.

Hope political consequences

The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rai, calls on the international community to put an end to wars in an interview with SIR and to show solidarity with the poorest and the victims of violence. displaced in Syria have the right to return to the country's safe areas, this should be promoted.

This applies especially to Christians, who were already 600 years old. ns before the arrival of Islam in Syria. 1400 years old Christians and Muslims have lived together in the Middle East, with good and bad times. Pope Francis called for greater peace efforts for the crisis-ridden Middle East

Pope Francis meets Bari "title =" © APA / AFP / VATICAN MEDIA "width =" 472 "height =" 354 "/>

APA / AFP / VATICAN MEDIA [19659905] Cardinal Rai declared that Cardinal Rai's prayer and solidarity initiative in Bari was" extremely important "; There is no doubt that this will also have political consequences, because prayer awakens consciousness, but must also denounce the failure of international politics and "imposed wars."

At the same time, the Maronite patriarch recalls that 1.7 million Syrian refugees and 400,000 Palestinians live in Lebanon Lebanon, with its 600 inhabitants per square kilometer, the highest population density in the world, has been paying the price of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1948 recent years, the price of wars in Iraq and Syria.Rai: " For reasons of humanity, we will not close the door to anyone. But we are facing an extremely serious political, economic, social, cultural and security crisis. "

The religious factor also plays a role, the risk of manipulation is high.Many Syrian refugees are Sunni Muslims, they could be manipulated in the context of a confrontation with Shiites." Lebanon could not pay the price of the dispute between Saudi Arabia and Iran.If Lebanon collapses, it would be a "disaster for the entire Middle East." Lebanon is the only country where Muslims and Christians were able to separate religion and the state, the result was democratic


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