Power outages, floods, landslides and storm damage in Carinthia and East Tyrol "kleinezeitung.at


In Möllbrücke, all night against floods © Camilla Kleinsbader

Carinthia and East Tyrol have almost survived one of the worst nights of floods and storms. The extent of the damage will only be visible in broad daylight. The forces are in constant use. The huge disaster seems not to materialize, the large-scale preparations and the civil protection measures put in place. All clear can be given slowly. The water levels of Drau, Möll and Gail are alarming. In addition, 10,000 households are without electricity.

Lavamünd seems to have escaped with a black eye, currently only a little groundwater grows up. In Upper Carinthia, river levels are down again since 5:30. "The protective barrier erected at Möllbrücke has been preserved," says Spittal district fire department commander Kurt Schober"We have damage due to minor erosion, storm damage, power outages and small-scale roadblocks, but thank goodness no injury or medical emergency," said the captain. district, Spittal Klaus Brandner,

Firefighters and soldiers were in action 24/7 in Möllbrücke Photo © Spittal / Drau District Fire Brigade Command

The Lesachtal is still completely cut off from the outside world. Muren blocks all access roads. The missions had to be suspended during the night, it was too dangerous. At 0.20, the Wurzenpbad (B109) road also had to be closed after a run in the mud for all traffic.

Dammbruch in the Gailtal

In Rattendorf, in the district of Hermagor, a civil defense alarm was triggered shortly after two o'clock in the morning. Only fifteen people could be safe after a dam rupture. In Lavamünd, the big flood did not take place, pumping works are in progress.

Injured police

In addition, storm damage is to be reported in the districts of Hermagor, Spittal, Villach and Klagenfurt-Land, as well as in the districts of Völkermarkt and Wolfsberg. Gusts were sometimes greater than 100 km / h.

In the Köttmannsdorfer Straße in Velden, a tree collapsed Monday night at 8.30 pm in a police patrol car and severely damaged it. The police – a 25-year-old policewoman and her 58-year-old colleague – were arrested for a tree that fell on the road and was about to turn their vehicle. Both were slightly injured.

The roads in the country are blocked, trains are interrupted and commuters must set up emergency beds in Lienz

Emergency services ask the public for special caution!

On Monday retrospectively:

23:50 – Crane was knocked down

On the construction site of the Gail power plant at Schütt near Arnoldstein, a crane was overturned by water plans.

23:35 – Other bridges are blocked

The Gail bridges at Postran, Egg, Dellach / Hermagor and the Wieltschnigbrücke east of Vorderberg had to be closed, in accordance with the district fire brigade's command, Hermagor.

23.20 – Power failure in the treatment plant

Emergency in the purification station Zellach (municipality of St. Gertraud). Due to the storm, the power failed. The Frantschach fire department is disengaged with an emergency generator to ensure operation again.

23:10 – emergency beds for commuters in Lienz

Due to the roadblocks in the different valleys of the district, the municipality of Lienz has set up a small camp with 15 emergency beds for the night of Tuesday.

People and commuters who have been cut on the way back can contact the right person at 04852 – 600 600.

23:05 – evacuations in East Tyrol

It took 37 people at home in the community of East Tyrol, Assling, because of the threat they faced. 35 of them could be hosted by acquaintances and relatives. In the district of Thal, a ban on drinking water was issued.

10:45 pm – forced colleagues to work at night

The tireless commitment of our colleagues Michaela Ruggenthaler and Michael Egger in the regional office of Eastern Tyrol today (inevitably), there is no end. Both have been in their last job and have to spend the night in the newsroom because of the many roadblocks. The small headquarters in Klagenfurt want a lot of fun.

Michaela Ruggenthaler and Michael Egger spend the night in the office Photo © Self-timer 😉

22h30 – new blocked road

Technical application currently for FF Kerschdorf / Velden. A tree could not stand the strong wind and crashed on the Köstenberger Landesstraße.

22h23 – Flattach and Obervellach

Next civil defense alarm. This time in Flattach and Obervellach. The wind has reached the strength of a hurricane. It is planned to Stromaufällen.

9:50 pm – Gail's bridge was to be blocked

The Gailbridge between Feistritz and Nötsch had to be completely closed due to heavy rainfall.

9:45 pm – the storm reached the Klagenfurt country

Meanwhile, the storm has also reached Klagenfurt-Land. The firefighters Krumpendorf, Moosburg, Bärndorf-Stallhofen, Schiefling, Techelweg, Töschling, Techelsberg, Pritschitz and Pörtschach are in action. Trees fell on houses as well as on state and federal highways. The southern highway had been moved into the Pörtschach tree area.

9:15 pm – Thousands of households without electricity

At present, several thousand households in Carinthia are without electricity. The people concerned are Mölltal, Haut Drautal, Lesachtal, Gailtal, Rosental and Lavanttal, as well as Kelag's spokesperson. Josef Stocker ad.

9:05 pm – new civil defense warning due to a storm

For Upper Drautal and Upper Mölltal, a civil protection warning has been issued. The reason is the hurricane-like Föhnsturm, which can reach 120 km / h, causing damage such as fallen trees and twisted power lines. The population is encouraged because of the widespread presence of Föhnsturms, sometimes under the effect of hurricane in apartments and houses. Emergency personnel also request that the radio and television be turned on.

9:02 pm – landed by car in the flood

For unknown reasons, a 93-year-old Heinfels (East Tyrol) motorist came out of the meadow in pouring rain, softened the floor and was not paved and hit his car in the bed of the Gärberbach water course. According to the police, a witness was able to detect the lights of the car in the stream several hundred meters away and set off the emergency chain. The man was injured.

21h – Vehicle struck by a tree

Currently, many fire departments in Hermagor District are in flood and stormy weather. The threatened bridges over the Gail River are controlled and monitored in the agglomerations. In Lesachtal, a vehicle was hit by a falling tree. The trapped person could be saved by the forces.

In Frantschach, a fallen tree blocked a road.

20:24 – The situation in Möllbrücke is deteriorating

In Möllbrücke, the armed forces predict Tuesday a flood of one hundred years at night. A rampart has been erected to stop it, but it is doubtful.


75 soldiers helped the Möllbrücke fire brigade to reinforce the protection wall with sandbags, but by 7.30 pm nearly 270 cubic meters of water per second rushed into the village. District Captain Klaus Brandner said in the evening at the Carinthia ORF that he was not expecting the wall to hold. The population was asked to avoid as much as possible the cellars and the ground floor.

Videos of Möllbrücke

8:05 pm – traffic stops

Against 19 hours in addition to the operation of the railway had the traffic
Postbuses in East Tyrol are largely abandoned. For safety reasons, all rail replacement services can not work at the moment.

7:55 pm – Drau spans the shoreline

As firefighters have learned, the Drava in the Rosegg area has spilled over into several places.

7.45 pm – fear in Lavamünd

As part of a coordination with the official crisis bars, new measures have been put in place by the badociation for the protection of lava mud. With an increase in the flood wave in the lower Drava, we can expect the second half of the night. The natural peak of runoff is expected early in the morning, the composite using the minimized Edling reservoir (Völkermarkter reservoir) as a buffer to limit leachate to Lavamünd. "With this measure, power plants can help minimize damage to Lavmünd." it says in a composite press release.

Flood protection is Photo © KK / Pölz

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