Presidency of the EU – Van der Bellen: "Europe is at a crossroads" | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Vienna (APA) – Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen warns against a relapse of nationalism: "Europe is at a crossroads," he told APA . Faced with "everything else" rather than just a "global political situation", the EU and Austria are threatening to lose their meaning. More concerned than the issue of migration, the former green leader is preparing for "the climate crisis and the impending tariff and trade war".

Europe must decide: "Let's continue as usual and look at the EU and so Austria at Van der Bellen lost in an interview with the news agency Austrian, which was sent by e-mail for reasons of time. "Or do we want a strong Europe that is heard in the world because it speaks with one voice?" He called for a strong and united Europe, stressed the president. "I hope Brexit is a sufficient warning to all of us."

Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) is "clearly committed to cooperation in Europe" and "will take seriously the pro-European course provided for by the government program", the President was convinced. Kurz also knows the global political situation and knows that Austria alone can not badert its interests on a global scale. Hundreds of thousands of people were employed in the EU in Austria. "The destruction of the Union would expose the nation states as a ship without tax on the wind and waves on the high seas and would ultimately represent a new poverty in Europe," warned Van der Bellen

. according to which 73% of Austrians will remain in the EU. And only 17% argued for the withdrawal. They are fewer citizens than FPÖ voters. With the accession of the FPÖ in the "Le Pen Group", as well as the European Group of Nations and Freedoms (ENF) in the European Parliament, it has "no joy", said the l. former professor of economics. Given the "huge" challenges that the Austrian EU Presidency is currently facing, such as the start of a possible trade war between the US and the EU and China, the crisis climate change and the issue of migration. Van der Bellen called for more cohesion in Europe. "In all these issues, the EU must stand together and act together, fortunately this is the case of the trade war, we are doing too little in the climate crisis and there is a danger of the EU. domino effect by unilateral national migration that would harm Austria. "Negotiations on Brexit and EU multiannual financial planning are difficult" But the EU is not going to break it. "

On the theme of migration, Van der Bellen "is to give the people pure wine. It will not work without a common EU policy on migration and asylum and fighting the causes of flight, "he said." If we want to prevent irregular migration, we need to create Legal immigration opportunities. "A European law on immigration and a common asylum system could protect persecuted persons and at the same time control immigration.Van der Bellen does not consider the Migration as Europe's biggest problem: "For the moment, the climate crisis and the imminent tariff and trade war with the United States are clearly more worrying for me," said the federal president. stressed that the number of those seeking protection had decreased considerably and that the situation was "under control." However, it is legitimate and reasonable to prepare for future developments.

According to Van der Bellen, the evolution of the national measures of the German government shows that it is "more necessary than ever" a common and coordinated approach of the EU states must give. "Otherwise, a domino effect threatens the opposite of European solidarity and ends up hurting everyone." In any case, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is "undoubtedly a European," he said. "And I liked how she recently pointed out that the soul of Europe is humanity."

Asked about the motto of the presidency, Van der Bellen argued for a broader definition than security. "If" protecting Europe "means protecting us from the climate crisis, protecting us from poverty, protecting against war and protecting people from persecution and control of the external border, then I think this motto is appropriate. "

When indexing the family allowance, Van der Bellen sees "European law difficulties to come to Austria". There are judgments of the European Court of Justice and a legal opinion of the German Bundestag. "It is also unclear whether the thousands of nurses who take care of our loved ones in Austria and who see in the child allowance income want to continue working here." And without their help it will be very difficult for many of our families to take care of their loved ones, "warned Van der Bellen. [ad_2]
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