Press Council condemns the right magazine "Wochenblick" «


The magazine "Wochenblick" was reprimanded again by the Press Council. This time it was an article in which "the ÖGB and the SPÖ were deliberately badociated with violent protesters and". Antifa "", as was announced Wednesday in a broadcast. This violated the code of honor of the Austrian press.

The magazine – the procedure mentioned in the print edition – published in July 2018 an article entitled "ÖGB and SPÖ connect" friendship "with violent leftists". The "Wochenblick" in this issue focused on the danger of "left". In the concrete contribution, it was notably said that the "traditional media" minimized or ignored left-wing violence, the press council explained. Politicians and opinion leaders would even go with "violent leftist extremists on the boat" to achieve their political goals, said the "Wochenblick". He accused the "left politicians" of flirting with "Antifa" as an "armed arm". As evidence of these allegations was a demonstration of the union, in addition to members of the SPÖ, employees of the Chamber of Labor and the AMS also participated in leftist groups such as "anti-fascist action" .

A reader complained to the press council about this article. The Senate 2 came to the conclusion that "the ÖGB and the SPÖ were both consciously badociated with violent protesters and at the Antifa" ":" Readers should apparently have the impression that the Violations committed by the ÖGB and the SPÖ exclude as a political means. "This is a violation of Article 2.1 of the Code of Ethics, which states that the primary duty of journalists is to accurately and accurately reflect The Senate said: "The author of the contribution wanted to discredit the SPÖ and the ÖGB, apparently deliberately by these organizations, and wrongly accused them of violent and punishable violence. Sanction of actions, even bodily harm and murder. "

The Senate called "Medien24 GmbH" to voluntarily publish this decision in the magazine "Wochenblick". This, of course, did not recognize the arbitration of the Press Council. This is not the first time that the Upper Austrian newspaper complains; the Press Council had recently accused this summer of "alarmism and fear" in the refugee file.

FPÖ-Landesrat announced in "Wochenblick"

The "Wochenblick" had also played a role in the national debate this year after learning that the Ministry of the Interior, led by the FPÖ, had placed print and online advertisements. In spring, a "profile" report on the circuits of Elmar Podgorschek, FPÖ state councilor in Upper Austria and Linz AG, had caused a sensation in the previous year.

The SPÖ is denounced

SPÖ's general director and media spokesman, Thomas Drozda, congratulated Wednesday for the "clear positioning" of the press council vis-à-vis the magazine "Wochenblick". The SPÖ and the Gewerkschaftsbund were "denounced and discredited" in its coverage and it was important that the Press Council had criticized the story distorting information, he said.

"Unfortunately, this has the method of" weekly look "- that is what we are discussing today under the title" Fake News, "said Drozda. And the magazine is therefore quite "a certain readership".

The SPÖ also renewed Tuesday its request for an "advertisement to stop the government" at "Wochenblick". SPÖ spokeswoman for the culture of memory, Sabine Schatz, also demanded "finally a declaration of clarification from the Federal Chancellor and Minister of Media."


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