Project on violence against women arrested by the Ministry of the Interior «


The Ministry of the Interior has terminated a project to badess cases of violence against women by the police, the justice system and the intervention agencies. As the ORF-Ö1 newspaper reported on Tuesday, high-risk cases were discussed and evaluated at these conferences. According to the ministry, the added value was not discernible compared to other projects according to the ministry.

14:05, 17 July 2018

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During regular meetings, it was discussed that the health of those affected would be better protected if there were special moments of danger. Measures such as increased police patrols, anti-violence training of perpetrators or information of the judiciary about dangerousness factors were subsequently established

"So that knowledge does not remain in individual institutions, but alarmed. ", was cited in the contribution Ö1 Rosa Logar, head of the Vienna Intervention Center against Domestic Violence. At a press conference Tuesday morning, Logar confirmed at the request of the APA that the offer of departmental meetings was no longer respected.

Criticism of the position of the project, already criticized by Ö1 in Vienna, Lower Austria and Tyrol SPÖ, the NEOS and the list of mushrooms. According to SPÖ's Federal Women's Director, Andrea Brunner, the fact that the Ministry of the Interior saves these meetings shows that women are worthless for the government,

Claudia Gamon, NEOS spokesperson, said talked about myopia and irresponsibility. Cases are still urgent. "It will have immediate effects," said Maria Stern, women's spokeswoman for the list of mushrooms. "By interrupting regular exchanges on high-risk cases, it is feared that the number of murders of women will continue to increase."

Although in Austria, the number of homicides on women increases, case conferences with experts or special probation service for perpetrators – unused. The alliance "Living Nonviolently" now required among other things. a commission on the study of feminicide (murders of women by men, note).

"There are more high-risk cases every year," said Irma Lechner of the ZÖF Association (Austrian Association of Women's Shelters). In 2017, the four women's shelters in Vienna hosted 624 women and 640 children. The women 's shelters documented 107 cases of weapons abuse, including 84 with knives, seven with firearms and 16 with other weapons. According to Lechner, especially when weapons are available, one can badume extremely dangerous cases

. The number of women who die each year from violence in relationships is not statistically recorded in Austria. Victim protection records these murders through media badysis. In Austria, every year between 20 and 25 women are murdered by their (ex) partners. Since 2012, a total of 122 women and seven men have been killed by violence in their relationships. Murder attempts never seem to attack everyone, Logar criticized.

"Murders do not come out of nowhere," Logar said. "We estimate that at least half of the cases will be announced." According to Lechner, it is precisely the cooperation of institutions that is important for prevention: "In case of high risk, each institution is overwhelmed". To badess the threat, Logar added data from all facilities.

"We offer case conferences with professionals, but the police no longer come because she sees no added value. In addition, the offer of cooperation in the probation service will not be accepted by the prosecutor. "There is a system problem with the prosecutor's office, which is certainly a question of resources and partly a lack of sensitivity," Logar said. "We have the measures, but they are not used, but you have to take violence seriously, even if it's the" little woman. "

A significant increase in cases and High-risk homicides have also been reported at the federal level Eva Schuh of the Federal Association of Protection Centers against Violence and Intervention Centers. According to police crime statistics, there were 54 homicides in 2017, including 36 in the family circle. In 24 cases, the victims were women, in six cases they were children and men. In 2014, 38 people were killed, including 17 in the family circle. "There have been more than a dozen murders in the family in the last four years, according to media reports, there were already 16 homicides in 2018, including several in the family circle," said Schuh

]. "We call for comprehensive security management to prevent violence and protect women affected by violence." This includes multi-agency cooperation in high-risk cases, which allows for coordinated risk badessment and security planning. without increasing the budget. However, no improvement is expected, the Ministry of Women, Families and Youth currently spending only 10 million euros: "We are asking for 210 million euros," Logar said. "It sounds utopian, but we think it's not too much. for the prevention of serious violent crime. The safety of women and girls must be worth to our society. "

The financing of women's projects is € 700,000 less than in 2017, the press reported on Tuesday, as several organizations saw their existence as a result of these cuts, and both groups called for financial and financial protection. women's organizations, as they have been doing indispensable work for decades, particularly in the areas of education, violence prevention and the empowerment of women. -financed, "and the government reduced on the backs of women," criticizes Klaudia Frieben, president of ÖFR. "The women's ring has on Tuesday an open letter addressed to the government, the federal president and the national deputies. ] [ad_2]
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