Protests after alleged rape in Friborg «


Following the alleged gang rape of an 18-year-old teenager in Freiburg, two protests took place Monday night. The AfD had convened a meeting at which 300 to 500 people would have participated, according to the police. According to the police, several groups have formed a counter-demonstration of 1,500 people to warn against the instrumentalization of the crime.

October 29, 2018 at 8:25 pm

© APA (dpa)

The police kept the two groups apart. However, the AfD train had to be redirected on a different route after counter-demonstrators blocked it on the planned route. According to eyewitnesses, repeated clashes between police and protesters attempted to stop the AfD train. At first, we did not know anything about the wounded.

The mayor without party, Martin Horn, had previously called for caution. "I hope that the demonstrations will remain peaceful and will not lead to more violence and hatred.There is no room for criminals and such terrible crimes in Freiburg," Horn said. German press agency. But there is also no room for people who then exploited such horrific crimes politically.

After a nightclub visit, this 18-year-old man was allegedly raped by several men on the night of 14 October. Police arrested eight suspects – seven Syrians aged 19 to 29 and a 25-year-old German. One does not participate in speculation about possible other perpetrators, said a spokeswoman for the police.

A detention warrant for another offense has already been issued against a suspect, confirmed the Interior Ministry in Stuttgart. This was not done for tactical reasons. This had been provided in a timely manner.

The victim had celebrated, according to their own information, in a nightclub with a girlfriend and had received a drink from a stranger. Around midnight, the woman left the club with the man. She was defenseless by an unknown substance in the drink. In a nearby shrub, the woman was badually badaulted by one of the alleged perpetrators. According to him, his companions should have transmitted it. The police spokeswoman confirmed that traces of intoxication could be detected in the victim's blood.

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