Puigdemont announces the fight for Catalonia in Brussels «kleinezeitung.at


The former Catalan Prime Minister wants to continue fighting for the independence of Villa in Waterloo

15:27, 28 July 2018

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The former head of Catalan Carles Puigdemont returned to Belgium from Germany and wants to continue to fight for the independence of his region native. "It will not be my last stop, it's not the end of my trip," said Puigdemont at a press conference in Brussels

claiming it "would go up to # 39 at the end of our continent to do the right cause ". of the Catalan people, "said Puigdemont, who at the same time gave the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez " homework "for the summer holidays.Sanchez could not hope to become head of government with the votes of the separatists and then recharge accordingly

"Grace period is over"

The "grace period" of Sanchez is over, according to Puigdemont He now needs to promote a qualitative dialogue with Catalonia for a parliamentary support. "We are waiting for Sanchez's recipe to solve a problem that Sanchez himself considers a political problem," says Puigdemont. Quim Torra the current head of the Catalan regional government, who accompanied Puigdemont in Brussels at the press conference, said that "Sanchez's words of dialogue must now be followed by actions."

conservative predecessor Mariano Rajoy In early June successfully with a motion of censure in the Parliament of Madrid also with the necessary votes of the separatist party Puigdemonts PDeCat of. The former Catalan regional president asked Sanchez for compensation.

Before the press conference in Brussels, Puigdemont met with representatives of the Catalan government and former cabinet members who are also exiled. In the afternoon, he is expected at a reception ceremony in Waterloo outside Brussels. At the Battle of Waterloo, the French Emperor Napoleon was defeated in 1815 by a European coalition. Puigdemont lives there in a majestic villa. He wants to make the "House of the Republic" the starting point of a European fight for the independence of Catalonia

Deposed Prime Minister

The 55-year-old man announced Wednesday his back to Belgium in Berlin. Puigdemont is in the sights of the Spanish judiciary as the organizer of the plebiscite on the independence of Catalonia from last October. Despite the police violence, thousands of Catalans voted in the referendum. Ninety percent accepted the proclamation of a Republic of Catalonia at the end of the month. The central Spanish government then declared Puigdemont and his government deposed.

Puigdemont escaped into exile in Brussels while Spanish justice was trying to stop him. In March he was arrested while he was crossing Schleswig-Holstein under an international arrest warrant. Since then, extradition to Spain is complex

Madrid refrained from extraditing

The legal hanging ended a few days ago when the Madrid Supreme Court withdrew the warrant of international judgment against the Catalan and extradition waived. He justified the decision of the German judicial system to declare extradition admissible only on charges of embezzlement of public funds and not for rebellion in connection with the referendum.

Puigdemont would therefore only have a lower charge in his own country can be brought to justice. The reproach of rebellion is 25 years in prison in Spain.

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