Puigdemont delivery granted, but not because of the rebellion | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Schleswig, Barcelona – The extradition of former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont to Spain is free. The Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court in Schleswig has given the green light for a transfer Thursday, but only in case of suspicion of misappropriation of public funds. He can not be tried for the main charge of rebellion.

Puigdemont said in the Twitter short message service, referring to the charge of rebellion, that it was a "major lie" of the state Spanish, now refuted. "The German judicial system says that the October 1 referendum is not a rebellion," writes Puigdemont. At the same time, he made the decision: "We will fight to the end."

Similarly, expressed the successor of Puigdemont, the current separatist leader Quim Torra. "I am very happy for President Puigdemont because it once again brings to light the mistakes and lies of a legal process that should never have happened," Torra wrote on Thursday. on Twitter. Due to the charge of Puigdemont rebellion threatening Spain up to 30 years of imprisonment, several members of his cabinet filed to sit because of the charge for months in the pre-trial detention in Spain

The stop shortly before Easter through Schleswig-Holstein Puigdemont remains the decision according to the court, stay free. His lawyers announced "immediately check the next steps". They might try to go to the German Federal Constitutional Court to prevent the extradition of politicians to Spain.

The Office of the Attorney General of Schleswig-Holstein stated that he would decide "promptly" of the granting of a transfer. According to a spokesman, the decision to grant extradition is virtually gone. The final examination has reported only possible "obstacles to deportation". However, they see neither their own authority nor the court, the spokesman said in reference to the decision of the Higher Regional Court.

With his decision, the OLG court in Schleswig did not comply with the request of the Attorney General's Office. considered rejected by the Spanish courts. As justification, the authority had pointed out that this would correspond to the German offense of high treason or at least that of breach of the peace.

The judges decided otherwise. A "scale of violence", as required by the German High Treason Rules, was not "breached" in the independence referendum. Even the charge of breach of the peace does not attack the accused.

The conflict over Catalonia's independence efforts intensified last year, when Puigdemont organized the referendum, which was clbadified as illegal by the Spanish justice system. After the vote, the regional government unilaterally proclaimed the independence of Catalonia at the end of October. The Madrid government subsequently suspended Puigdemont and his cabinet

Since then, the Spanish judiciary has accused Puigdemont of rebellion, rebellion and misappropriation of public funds. He escaped to Belgium in October and was arrested in March on the basis of a European arrest warrant issued by Spain while he was pbading through Schleswig – Hesse. Holstein. Spain later requested extradition.

Puigdemont's defense lawyers described Spain's measure as "criminalizing democratic behavior". Germany should not take part and should stay away from "explosive national quarrels", lawyers said Thursday in Hamburg, Berlin and Munich. They would now look at the other legal options in the case. (APA / AFP / dpa / Reuters)

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