"Queen of Mountains": Austrian Book Prize for Wisser


"Queen of the mountains"

For the third time, the Austrian Book Prize was awarded Monday night. Born in Carinthia, Daniel Wisser convinced the jury with his novel "The Queen of the Mountains", which revolves around the theme of euthanasia. Marie Gamillscheg received the first prize for "Alles was glänzt".

05.11.2018 22.58

Online since yesterday, 22:58

Death and mines were the topics discussed on Monday at the Book Prize at the Casino Schwarzenbergplatz. Wisser, born in 1971 in Klagenfurt, writer and musician, puts in the center of history a charming forty-year-old Robert Turin. "Queen of the mountains", Turin calls her disease multiple sclerosis. She threw him off track in the middle of his life and forced him to go wheelchair and to the retirement home. He is now trying to convince his badistants of his death plan, a process described in a fun way.

The jury considered that the book "despite all the tragedy of the subject, was a very stimulating reading and not at all morose". Wisser had already noticed his novels "A White Elephant" (2013) and "Lions in the Wasteland" (2017). On November 22, he will also receive this year's Johann Beer Prize for Literature in Linz.

"I know better on the other side"

"You do not know how many prizes, but I have not yet received any prizes or prizes for which I was nominated, even when I did not even get the prize list. know the other side a lot better than that, "says Wisser.For the Austrian book prize, the best German literary, essayistic, lyric or dramatic work by an Austrian author or author was searched for. The five-member jury (Konstanze Fliedl, Bernhard Fetz, Jens Jessen, Evelyne Polt-Heinzl and Bettina Wagner) reviewed a total of 150 works and was awarded for the third time for € 20,000. He went to see Friederike Mayröcker and Eva Menbade.

Daniel Wisser in conversation

The winner of the 2018 Austrian Book Prize, Daniel Wisser, talks about his book and the subject that underlies it in "kulturMontag".

Josef Winkler wrote: "Let's go home, father or dad, at the heart of my writing", confrontation with the overwhelming father, Milena Michiko Flasar. , Gerhard Jäger's second novel "All about us" on Heinrich Steinfest's escape and multi-layered novel "Die Büglerin".

Marie Gamillscheg and AK President Renate Anderl

APA / Herbert Neubauer

House of Workers President Renate Anderl presents award to Gamillscheg

Marie Gamillscheg received the first prize of 10,000 euros for "Alles was Glänzt". The Grazer, who lives in Berlin, is dedicated to a small town formerly characterized by mining with fewer and fewer inhabitants. The central event is the fatal accident of a young man. Ljuba Arnautovic ("Hidden") and David Fuchs ("Before disappearing") were also nominated for the first prize. Previously, Friederike Gösweiner (2016) and Nava Ebrahimi (2017) had received it.


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