Railway noise conference without mayor – kaernten.ORF.at


The cities of Klagenfurt and Villach protest against the draft railway noise conference on Friday against "limited railway noise protection concepts". The Mayor of SPÖ, Maria-Luise Mathiaschitz, has not been invited. Yes, that is what it was – let's say ÖVP and FPÖ in unison.

Mayors Maria-Luise Mathiaschitz and Günther Albel demanded Thursday the inclusion of Klagenfurt and Villach and criticized in a joint statement the two metropolitan areas of Klagenfurt and Villach bringing together 159,000 people at the symposium "The Lake Railway Wörthersee – Prospects for sound insulation "no Would be considered. Ulrich Zafoschnig, State Councilor of the ÖVP, decided to replace the concept of noise protection for the whole of the central area with a spatial restriction in the Wörthersee area.

"Unacceptable restriction"

Mayor Maria-Luise Mathiaschitz: "The restriction on the Lake Wörthersee region is unacceptable.In Klagenfurt, tens of thousands of citizens are directly or indirectly affected by the noise of the railways, but they did not send me invitation to the Symposium. "The invitation was sent only to specialized managers and the FPÖ Christian Scheider Transport Advisor and Green Environment Counselor Frank Frey. Email is available for the ORF.

Villach's mayor, Günther Albel, has the same cry: "The issue of train noise can only be solved in the whole central area, including Villach and Klagenfurt, and it was always planned like this. contradicts all the agreements and logics.In the beginning, however, Albel declared that he had not been invited to the railway summit.Tuesday afternoon, he was invited, but he canceled for the reasons mentioned above.

Zafoschnig: "Transparent political game"

The criticism of ÖVP State Councilor Ulrich Zafoschnig was completely incomprehensible. It was a "transparent political game," Zafoschnig told a spokesman. For both cities, Statuar would have very well received invitations to the symposium. The cities of Klagenfurt and Villach would be well taken into account. "A political storm in a glbad of water".

Astonishment to the city FPÖ: the invitation takes place

At the Causa, the FPÖ municipal party also took the floor. As a result, an "invitation to all members of the city council" was received by the Minister of Transport in early September by e-mail to the city council and pbaded on, "said the municipal party chairman Stadtrat Wolfgang Germ, who found the "Red" approach for "incomprehensible".

Mayor: has not received an invitation

The mayor of Klagenfurt, Maria Luise Mathiaschitz, insisted during a conversation with the ORF that she had personally not received any invitation and subsequently urged the Federal Ministry. The invitation to the symposium was only addressed to the specialists, the FPÖ Christian Scheider Transport Advisor and the Green Environment Advisor Frank Frey. The mail is available at the ORF.

Contradiction of the Landesrat office

According to State Councilor Ulrich Zafoschnig, it was announced at the end of the day that there had been an invitation to Mathiaschitz. This invitation was also addressed personally to the mayor of Klagenfurt, but to the municipal department.


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