Railways raise wages and union criticized for "Alibi Action" "DiePresse.com


The railways have not yet concluded a collective agreement, but employers now rely on voluntary increases in salaries and wages: the Fachverband Railways of the Chamber of Commerce have recommended a 3% increase in wages and salaries. from October 1st, 2.4%. ÖBB, Westbahn and others want to do the same. The union Vida sees an "alibi action" and an "insolence".

As the old collective agreement was already expiring at the end of June and the Rail Association had recommended to its members a 3% wage increase starting October 1st, this represents an average increase of 2.4% , said the president of the Association, Thomas Scheiber, at the APA.

The 2.4% result from a calculation of 3 months without increase (July to September 2018) and 12 months with an increase of 3%. If we calculate three months without increase and nine months with an increase of 3%, that is to say until the end of June 2019, we get 2.25% annualized. . By comparison, the inflation rate was 2.0% in September, 2.2% in August and 2.0% in June.

The 3% increase is not a KV degree, but a payment from the employer in anticipation of the KV. "I suppose employers pay on average 0.7 percentage points more than the inflation rate," Scheiber said. It does not expect the current increase to apply for a year, but that the agreement will take into account the current payment in the new system.

The ÖBB have already announced to their staff that they will follow the recommendations of the professional badociation. The Westbahn, the Lower Austria transport company, Stern and Hafferl (Gmunden), the Innsbruck transport companies and others wanted to follow this recommendation of the Association, Scheiber told APA Thursday. "I have not heard a no". He presumes that the majority of railway employees will be concerned with this call.

KV negotiations continue

Despite Vorpreschens employers, negotiations on the KV should go further: the new date of the hearing is November 21, but Scheiber does not expect an agreement for this date. The union's demands are so high that it would result in a total burden of 10%, he says. In agreement with the union, Scheiber can imagine retroactive cumulation on July 1, which would also have an impact on balance sheets. He could only imagine a diploma for the next year. "We have many issues to discuss with the union," he said.

After the failure of the seventh round of negotiations with the union Thursday, the professional badociation Bahn informed the member companies that they would voluntarily increase their workforce by 3% as of 1 October.

The union vida had rejected the proposal, described as "offer of alibi" and "goodbye". "insolence" and demanded a salary increase consisting of compensation for inflation, an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) and productivity gains of employees. The fact that Austria is the "number one railway" in the European Union is due to the enormous commitment and high productivity of its employees. For their services, the employees got a corresponding salary increase, said Günter Blumthaler, president of the railroad department of the vida.

The social partners negotiate the collective agreements of around 45,000 employees in more than 65 Austrian railway companies. The largest company is the national ÖBB. The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) follow the recommendation of the trade badociation and will increase wages and salaries "voluntarily" and "without obligation" for most employees by 3% from 1 October. At the same time, the social partners were urged to quickly continue collective bargaining, APA learned from the railways.


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