Reconciliation: Eritrea opens an embassy in Ethiopia


More than 20 years after the break-up of diplomatic relations, Eritrea reopened its embbady in neighboring Ethiopia. Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, symbolically handed over the key of the Embbady building in the center of the city of Addis Ababa to Eritrean President Issaias Afwerki, at a ceremony today. 39; hui. Afwerki raised the Eritrean flag there.

With the opening of the embbady, ​​the two former war adversaries took another step towards reconciliation. Afwerki had traveled to Ethiopia on Saturday, today he returned to Eritrea. His visit followed Abiy's visit to Eritrea last week

Peace Declaration signed

During this visit, the two culturally and historically close countries signed a peace declaration marking a turnaround in their difficult relations between the two countries. 19659002] Eritrea separated from Ethiopia in the early 1990s after a three-decade war and declared independence in 1993. As a result, Ethiopia, much larger , lost direct access to the Red Sea.

Due to a border conflict, the two countries fought again in the Horn of Africa from 1998 to 2000. About 80,000 people died. Since then, relations have been frozen.

After taking office in April, Abiy began reconciliation. In June, he announced that he would "fully implement" the decision of an international arbitration commission on the United Nations-backed 2002 border regime. With that, he has overcome a major obstacle on the road to reconciliation.

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