Refugee ship with 450 migrants leaves for Sicily «


Italy and Malta are fighting again against a refugee boat with 450 migrants en route to Sicily. The two-story fishing boat devoured by Libya reached night in Lampedusa and continued its journey to Sicily, Italian press reported Saturday, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini and Deputy Prime Minister Italian Matteo Salvini. secured during a trip in Maltese waters. He would not allow the ship with more than 400 people to board an Italian port.

The Valletta government replied Friday night that the ship was closer to Italy than to Maltese territory. We still do not know who controls the ship. Minors should also be on board.

Italy has refused the entry of humanitarian organizations in the country's ports. The island of Malta is also not responsible for admission. In the past two weeks, the two southern European states have opposed the responsibility of refugee vessels

. The government, formed by the populist Five-Star movement and the right Lega, takes a firm stance against hosting refugees. On the night of Friday, 67 migrants landed in Trapani, Sicily, aboard a ship belonging to the Italian Coast Guard.


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