Refugees land on the Spanish beach – News International: Europe


After the arrival of more than 1400 boaters in three days, the Spanish government demanded a European solution. "The problem of migration is a European problem and requires a European solution," Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Malaska said Saturday during a visit to the south of the country.

On Saturday, the Coast Guard had saved 334 refugees from 17 boats the day before 888 refugees. On Sunday, the Spanish authorities counted about 200 people in the afternoon, who sailed from North Africa on 20 small canoes. Some of them traveled to the mainland, where they landed on a beach near Zahora and rolled inland, as shown by the tourist videos


The main country of origin of refugees in Europe has been replaced. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), nearly 21,000 refugees have arrived in Spain since the beginning of the year. In Italy it was about 18,100 and in Greece about 15,500.

Spain's Socialist Interior Minister accused the Conservative government's predecessor of serious failures . The increase in the number of refugees has long appeared, and the former government has made "too little preparation" to do this, said Grande-Malaska. He announced the opening of a reception center in Algeciras, in southern Spain, for 600 migrants. (anf / afp)

Created: 28/07/2018, 21:21

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