Refugees: Spain calls for a "European solution"


Following the arrival of more than 1,200 boaters in two days, the Spanish government has called for a European solution. "The migration problem is a European problem and requires a European solution," said Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Malaska during a visit to the South of the country

Great-Malaska announced the opening of a reception center in Algeciras, south of Spain. According to the Minister of the Interior, the increase in the number of refugees has long appeared. In this context, the previous Conservative government seriously harmed Grande-Malaska

. In recent weeks and months, the number of asylum seekers arriving in Spain has risen sharply. Since the beginning of the year, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), about 21,500 refugees have arrived in Spain. In Italy it was just under 18,000 and in Greece about 24,300.

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