Revers for AK: no 6th week of holidays for all – News


Renate Anderl, head of the Chamber of Labor (AK) of Vienna, had openly opened in April a shortening of working time and a sixth week of vacation for all pronounced – "" reported

Poll [19659003] for a sixth week of vacation for all?

All employees who have 25 years of employment due to their previous periods of service in other EU countries should, as AK claims, be entitled to the 6th week of vacation.

But now the workers' chamber has had to make a big setback. For the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has confirmed the regulation of holidays in Austria

No discrimination

According to the latter, only employers claim a sixth week 25 years at the same employer

The Austrian holiday law, according to the ECJ's lawyer, does not constitute discrimination or a restriction on the free movement of workers, reports the ORF.

A final decision of the ECJ is expected in autumn. Although the European Court of Justice does not have to comply with the recommendation of the Advocate General, it does so in four out of five cases.

"We see it differently" ]

"Unfortunately, the general advocate follows exclusively" We see it differently, "said Andreas Neubauer, head of the competence center for the representation of interests of the AK Upper Austria in front of" Upper Austrian News. "

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