Review of the Traunsee tramway in Gmunden «


On 1 September, the new Traunsee railway line, which connects Gmunden station to Vorchdorf station, was solemnly inaugurated in Upper Austria. The Upper Austria Transport Association has 3,200 pbadengers per working day in the coming years. But shortly after the opening, critics on empty and empty cars are heard, as reported by the "Upper Austrian News".

The municipality of Gmunden had to contribute 6 million euros to the project costs, which were largely financed by the state of Upper Austria. "It was a waste of tax money," Beate Enzmann told FPÖ to the local newspaper. She also criticizes the route: "The train is not going to the pool and it is not going to the hospital. Flexible hybrid buses would have been the best solution for Gmunden."

Councilor Reinhold Kbadmannhuber of the Gmunden Citizens' Initiative (BIG) also sees things as: "From 20,000 pbadengers a day, a tramway would have made sense." But with 13,191 inhabitants, it would be difficult to reach. "For a city like Gmunden, such a tram is a luxury that everyone has to pay." He expects the train frequency to be reduced.

SPÖ councilman Wolfgang Sageder sees things completely differently: "The Traunsee tramway is a future project that will benefit even more generations."

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