Richard Lugner threatens Mausi with the name -Klagen – People Today


In Mausi, the Hausi blessing is wrong. Both are so good since 2007 that Jaqueline's divorced parents have agreed. Christina often shows up in Lugner City and often accompanies her ex-husband to various events. They maintained a very friendly relationship and appeared together in various ATV shows

Divorce of Mausi Lugner and Franz Geisslhofer Who accompanies Richard Lugner to Cyprus?

Now, anger is in paradise, as "Today" reported. After the Lugner's divorce, Richard Lugner contractually stipulated that Christina can not continue to carry the Lugner family name during a recent marriage closure. But until the divorce of Christina Lugner and Franz Geisselhofer who came on the scene last week, almost no one knew that Mausi was married there are two years. Everything was very secretive. Even Richard should not have known it.

Richard now wants Christina to call Lugner no longer. But Christina patented Mausi Lugner, Mrs. Lugner and Christina Lugner and took a lawyer. Werner Tomanek on "Today": "My clientele rightly called Mausi Lugner, she had already patented these three names several years ago."

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Who again called the builder on the plane. He said: "Since my back is trying to patent Lugner's name in defiance of the divorce settlement, I'm waiting to act because all my lawyers with Christina Mausi are likely to be influenced by their I'm looking for a suitable lawyer. "

What does Christina Werner Tomanek's counsel say about this?

"Anyone can complain, my clients Mausi LUGNER and I are waiting for her with a joyful serenity."

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