Riots in the French city of Nantes | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Nantes (APA / AFP) – After a fatal shooting at 22 years, riots raged in the city of Nantes, in the west of France, for the fourth night in a row. Young people armed with incendiary devices engaged in Saturday night fighting with the police, the police said. Seven cars and several garbage cans were burning. There was also a fire in a house with social housing

The riots affected several neighborhoods of Nantes. Police used tear gas against rioters. The police were badisted by special forces units CRS, who also accompanied the firefighters.

Already in the last three nights there had been violent riots in various districts of Nantes. The trigger was the murderous police shooting that was inflicted on a 22-year-old man on Tuesday night at a traffic control post.

On Friday, the police officer in charge gave false information. His attorney said that the grievor had acted differently than previously, not in a state of self-defense. The shot was an "accident".

In the evening, an investigating judge ordered the opening of a preliminary investigation against the officer. Suspicion is called "blind violence" with fatal consequences. The police officer was also placed under judicial control. Due to doubts about the appearance of the shooter, he is in custody since Thursday.

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