Riyadh seeks capital punishment in Kashoggi case


Istanbul / Riyadh. The prosecutor's office in Saudi Arabia has requested the death sentence for five suspects for the murder of journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi at the Istanbul consulate. A spokesman for the Attorney General of Riyadh said Thursday that the columnist of the "Washington Post" was drugged, killed and mutilated at the consulate by its authors.

The body parts were then handed over to an officer outside the consulate area. This was announced at a press conference in Riyadh on Thursday. There are a total of eleven men accused, as one brain applies to the former deputy intelligence chief, Ahmed al-Asiri.

18 suspects detained

It is the first time in Riyadh that officials comment on the circumstances of Khashoggi's death. Under international pressure, Riad had confirmed after weeks of denials that Khashoggi had died on Oct. 2 at the Istanbul consulate, but had initially described it as the result of an escalation of the conflict. In addition, 18 unnamed suspects were arrested and two senior government officials sacked.

Later, the prosecutor indirectly admitted that the 59-year-old government critic had been "deliberately" killed. However, suspecting that the powerful heir to the throne, Mohammed bin Salman, has ordered this act, the Riyadh leaders pointed out that it was an unauthorized mission. The prosecutor in Riyadh reaffirmed Thursday that the crown prince had not been involved in the murder.

On October 2, the Khashoggi government critic entered the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul to collect documents relating to the marriage with his Turkish fiance. He never showed up again. Saudi Arabia has admitted the death of Khashoggi under immense international pressure. Riyadh has announced its own investigation.

Deadly injection

Saudi Arabia has accused senior government officials of having sent a 15-member special team to conduct the action on their own initiative. In total, Saudi leaders arrested 18 suspects. With that, she obviously wanted to take out the mighty Crown Prince from the line of sight, critics said.

According to Riad on Thursday, the 15-member Khashoggi team should be convinced to travel with them to Saudi Arabia. The situation worsened and the former Washington Post columnist was sentenced to an injection. His body was dismembered and removed from the consulate.

According to Turkish justice, Khashoggi was strangled shortly after entering the consulate, his body was dismembered and thrown away. Turkish investigators believe that Khashoggi's badbadination orders came from the highest levels of government. Ankara had shared information from intelligence services – including audio recordings – with Germany, among others.

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