Roads lock useless, according to the expert – News


She says that

she has come a long way for the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

The migration expert Melita Sunjic is convinced that the refugee policy of the EU is myopic and populist. knows the traffickers and the reasons for theft. Instead of putting all the money into closing the Mediterranean road (as Chancellor Sebastian Kurz would like), it would be better to go elsewhere

because: "We can not say: we block the roads". They come anyway.

A financially dehydrated tug

Instead, you have to do everything to dry up the traffic financially. "Nobody can convince me that it is not possible to stop the flow of money," Sunjic said.

Also known to be the tugboats in their opinion, they would report in part on Facebook: "This is not everything Customers have to find."

The system has changed with more restrictive policies in Europe towards "fully developed international crime".

Forensic Immigration

With regard to immigration policy, there is no "legal immigration mechanism," says Sunjic. It is quite common in Africa that you want to leave for a few years and make money, but want to come back, she says. This would not be possible with the current structures, and because of the lack of alternatives, these people would also be "pushed in the way of asylum", which would overload them.

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