Rome does not want to take back migrants from Austria «


The Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, does not want to accept migrants who could be rejected at the German-Austrian border. "If the Austrians and Germans helped us to close the EU's external borders instead of sending away migrants, we would take a step forward," Salvini said in an interview with the Roman daily Il Messaggero.

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"Austria and Germany Defend Their Interests Agreement" Salvini said at the informal meeting of EU Interior Ministers in Tyrol on Thursday. Italy, however, would not take back migrants sent north. "It's the last thing that happens," said Interior Minister and Lega Chief. "We still have 130,000 applications for political asylum and 300,000 applications for Italian citizenship, 164,000 presumed refugees are staying in Italian hotels, we have done more than any other country, and now it's over, d & rsquo; Others left, "Salvini rebels.

Italy wants to make sure that no migrant arrives in Italy unless an agreement has been reached between the member states of Italy and Italy. EU on their distribution. "Since it was decided at the EU summit in Brussels that the admission of migrants on a voluntary basis, Italy will also show its will," Salvini said.

The priority of the Italian government, in any case, is the trafficking by all means stop. "We started with the NGO ships and now it is to change the objectives of the international military missions whose ships can not accommodate all the migrants and unload them in Italy, I read that now in Brussels also there is a change in the rules of the EU mission "Sophia" speaks, "said Salvini. A spokeswoman for the Commission said Monday after Salvini's announcement that the terms of the "Sophia" and "Themis" missions could be changed

at an informal meeting of ministers of the USSR. Interior of the EU in Innsbruck. Current priorities This means greater protection of the EU's external borders, bilateral readmission agreements and increased EU aid to Libya. Interior Minister Salvini works with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on document

After the closure of the port for rescue teams to refugees, Salvini also plans to prohibit the entry of ships international missions operating in the Mediterranean in Italian ports. The Italian Minister of the Interior has in particular the two missions of the EU "Sophia" and "Themis" in the sites. In both cases, Italy must indicate the ports in which rescued refugees in the Mediterranean can be captured. While "Sophia" is the target of the fight against the traffickers, the EU's "Themis" mission, which is following the "Triton" operation, is mainly responsible for the maritime rescue and is backing the fight against the traffickers. Italy in the control of maritime borders. [19659010SelonSalvinistouslesvaisseauxdesmissionsinternationalescomme'Themis'and'Sophia'nesontpascensésaccosterenItalie"Certainsmaispastous"adéclaréSalvinilundi"Prenonslamissiondel'EU"Sophia":ellesauvedesvieshumainesestsousladirectionitalienneetnousensommesfiersmaispourquoitouslesmigrantsrescapésdébarqueraient-ilsenItalie"AdemandéSalviniMinistredel'IntérieuretchefdeladroiteLegaTrentaditquel'Italiedoitremplirsesobligationsdanslecadredesmissions"Sophia"and"Themis"ontrapportélesmédiasitaliensLeministreitaliendesAffairesétrangèresEnzoMoaveroMilanesiadéclarélundiquel'Italierespectaitsesobligationsinternationales"Nouscontinueronsàévoluerdanslecadredudroiteuropéenetinternational"aréponduleministreàlaquestionsurunéventuelchangementdesrèglesdelamission"Sophia"del'UEsurlesauvetagedesmigrantsenMéditerranéecommedemandéparl'ItalieLeministèredel'IntérieurdeRomequantàluiarefusédepermettreaunavireitaliendel'NGO"VosThalbada"d&#39toentertheItalianportswithmigrantsatitsportofentrywhichhadalreadybeenbroughttotheattentionoftheInteriorMinistryatRomewheretherefugeescouldnotaccostinItaly

In order to find a solution for the migrants, they were embarked aboard an Italian Coast Guard ship. They will soon be brought to Sicily, says the Ministry of the Interior in Rome.

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