Russia imposes sanctions on Ukrainian politicians and entrepreneurs


The annexation of Crimea led to sanctions against Russia. At present, the Moscow government has imposed economic sanctions on 322 Ukrainian politicians and entrepreneurs. In addition, 68 companies came on the list, which was published by the Russian government. This announcement coincides with the visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel to Kiev.

According to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the fortunes of Russia are frozen. The list includes Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak and the head of parliament Andrei Parubiy. However, President Petro Poroshenko, Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman and Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin are exempt.

The former Prime Minister Timoshenko on the list of sanctions

Poroshenko's son, Alexej, is also on the list, as well as former heads of government Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Yulia Tymoshenko. Timoshenko is a promising candidate in the presidential election of March 2019. The Minister of Education, Lilija Grinewitsch, and the Deputy Prime Minister, Iwanna Klimpusch-Zinzadse, head of NATO and NATO. European integration, are also concerned.

President Vladimir Putin announced the sanctions in October and justified by "unfriendly measures of Ukraine". Russia and Ukraine are in a bitter conflict since the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. In the east of Ukraine, pro-Russian rebels are fighting the troops of the Ukrainian government since April 2014. The conflict has so far killed more than 10,000 people. The Ukrainian government, the EU and the United States accuse Russia of militarily supporting the separatists. Moscow rejects this.

The sanctions against the companies mainly affected the Ukrainian chemical industry. The companies with which Russia has commercial relations are not on the list, so the national gas concerns Naftogaz.

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