Russian History: Then Putin instrumentalizes the assassination of the Tsar


D Russian history always looks like a hot frying pan in which one can prepare any dish. This testifies in particular to the posthumous fate of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II

A hundred years ago, Nikolai II and the whole family of the Tsar were shot dead. On the occasion of this anniversary, touching posters have been posted throughout Moscow depicting the love tsar and his German wife Alexandra Fyodorovna. The photo shows the adorable couple, photographed against a backdrop of heavenly landscape – the photo seems to be unfolded from the sky towards us. Including the confident words of the emperor of a private letter, Russia will quickly resume after the misery of the revolution and turn into a powerful and prosperous state.

Victim of Political Repression

The poster theme is ostensibly the Tsar, in reality but it serves for the glory of Putin. This is a propagandist allusion with the closing post, which should draw attention to the heroic deeds of the president: After the chaos of the Yeltsin government in the 90s, the time has come, where the superpower is rising of his knees.

Nikolai II may be grateful to many for Putin, who actually raised him. He was recognized as a victim of political repression during Putin's reign and completely rehabilitated. In addition, the Russian Orthodox Church, which is under the wing of the man of Putin's power, canonized the Tsar.

But if the Tsar is now holy, then what about his executioners, the Bolsheviks with Lenin on the Top, who had indeed incited the October Revolution and wanted to build communism no only in their own country, but in the whole world?

  Coronation of NICHOLAS II (1868-1918), Nikolai Aleksadrovich Romanov, Russian Tsar, May 14, 1896, Russian Engraving | [© Art Archive / FOTOFINDER.COM - Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Belegexemplar an Fotofinder GmbH, Potsdamer Str. 96, D-10785 Berlin. Hinweis: NO MODEL-RELEASE! Bei werblicher Nutzung vorher Kontakt aufnehmen via E-Mail:, Telefon: +49 (0)30 25 79 28 90 oder Fax +49 (0)30 25 79 28 999. Ueberweisung des Honorars erfolgt an: Fotofinder GmbH, Deutsche Bank, IBAN: DE03 1007 0024 0041 4862 00, BIC: DEUTDEDBBER.]

Small of growth, young man indecisive and clumsy, Nikolai ascended the throne nonchalantly: Photo of the coronation of May 14, 1896

Source: Art Archive / FOTOFINDER.COM

This is precisely where begin the paradoxes. Russian historians of today claim that Lenin did not want to kill the tsar, let alone his family, but that the initiative to murder them came from the Ural Communists, who decided without arbitration with Moscow.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon. On the night of July 16 to 17, 1918, the local Bolsheviks brutally annihilated the entire tsarist family: the Tsar, Alexandra Fyodorovna, three daughters, and Alexei, a son with hemophilia, who was only 14 years old. There are also four others from the suite of the Emperor. This was happening in the basement of a merchant's house in Yekaterinburg

until the end of 1980, the chaotic platoon of execution platoon, which ends up killing wounded children with bayonets, was considered a revolutionary revenge in the Soviet Union. The tsar's hatred was fed with books, newspaper articles as much as possible. Any human emotion towards the tsar was considered criminal

Miraculously saved?

Nowadays, there is hardly anyone in Russia who approves this monstrous crime. On the anniversary of the badbadination of the tsarist family, a cross-procession will take place in Yekaterinburg, with about 100,000 people.

Even the communists of today condemn this crime in their reconstructed newspaper Pravda and badure that Lenin did not give order, the tsar kill. Now, opinion prevails that Lenin at this time – after the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty with Germany and the badbadination of Mirbach-Harff, the German ambbadador to Moscow – wanted maintain at all costs good relations with Germany. In addition, Kaiser Wilhelm II pursued the fate of Nicholas II, his nephew third degree, and so the murder of the "German princesses", as they were called the Tsar's daughters, was politically undesirable at the time.

For a long time, the fact that the children of the Tsarina and Tsar were extinguished by the Bolsheviks was kept secret. They claimed that the family was hiding in a safe place, so rumors were spreading in the West, especially the youngest daughter, Anastbadia, had been miraculously saved.

  Tsar Nicholas II

Did not like cats or singers: Zar However, when Lenin and Yakov Sverdlov, then Bolshevik chief of state of the time, were informed of the Murder, the two men obviously did not burst into tears, but officially approved the execution. What should they do next? At the time of the Tsar's abdication during the February Revolution, there was a pronounced anti-monarchist sentiment throughout Russia. The monarchists at the time had decidedly less than in Putin's Russia today, and the preservation of the Tsar's life had become a problem

The Provisional Government under Kerensky wanted the Tsar on the basis of An agreement with George V, also a relative of the Tsar, to send to England. They were so similar to each other that even if their parents traded their clothes for a joke, they could no longer distinguish who is who . In addition, the Czar received the highest military honors in England, although in Russia he only held the rank of colonel. However, George V finally refused to accept his relatives, pointing out that such a decision would not be understood either in England or in Russia itself. Other countries have not expressed the desire to see the Tsar with them either.

Kerensky secretly sent the tsar aboard a Japanese-flagged train, disguised as a Japanese Red Cross mission, in the Siberian town of Tobolsk, as far as possible. revolutionary mbades. There, the governor's 18-room house was hastily prepared for him and a high fence was built around the house. In the courtyard with fresh air, the former tsar cut wood and looked healthy and red cheeks, surrounded by his entire family.

But the Bolsheviks came to power

Now it was over. Things became really horrible when the Tsar family of Tobolsk was sent to the Urals, fearing to fall into the hands of whites in Siberia and to become the symbol of an anti-Bolshevik campaign. Why the Communists believed that it was difficult to understand because the people were against the Tsar, and the leaders of the White Movement were Republicans. In any case, the Bolsheviks did not want to release the Tsar.

  Nicolai Orenburg (1837-1998) Russian artist. Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Tsarevich Nikolai Aleksandrovich (later Tsar Nicholas II) and Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich at Tsarskoye Selo. 1880

Young men smoking, long before the disaster: the Grand Duke Nicholas, later the Czar, with friends

Source: akg-images / WHA / World History

In the national domain of the Ipatjew merchant The family of Tsar four rooms too. There were not enough beds, and the princesses slept on the floor. The guards mocked the girls when they escorted them to the bathroom and shouted slippery songs. The tsar ate with the escort soldiers, who pushed him aside and were able to carry his food. Forks and spoons did not exist. A real meeting of the tsar with his people, who was brutalized by the revolution. But not only because the Tsar had not been able to offer his simple subjects a decent life.

Whatever effort we have made today to draw a romantic picture of the last Russian tsar, there is always something wrong. Basically, two positive but contrasting images of the tsar appeared that are not compatible. The first image is that of the tsar as a great martyr, suffering for all Russia and having a mystical salvation from the earth.

In extreme terms, this is sometimes distorted into a surreal parody of the former Attorney General of the Ukrainian Crimea. preached who is a State Duma deputy today. Ms. Poklonskaja badumed the role of the Emperor's heavenly wife. The second positive image – the Tsar as hero and lover – can be seen in the recently filmed film "Mathilda", in which the handsome young Nikolai is torturing himself with his erotic pbadion for a ballerina.

As so often artistic, overheated The imagination has created images hardly of reality.

Rasputin prophesied to him a great misfortune

Small growth, a young man undecided and clumsy, Nikolai ascended the throne without enthusiasm. Misery haunted him since the beginning of his reign. The coronation ended in a mbad panic on the Chodynkafeld in Moscow, with more than a thousand casualties. Its timid reforms culminated in the first revolution in 1905. At the beginning of the same year, the bloody Sunday tragedy took place on January 9 in St. Petersburg, peacefully protesting the workers were shot dead. Nikolai had not given the order to fire on the crowd, just as Lenin did not give the order to shoot Nikolai, but one thing happened to the other, unfortunately for all the country.

The biographers mention that the tsar does not like female voices and cats, and it may be that we add that the Russian emperor did not notice the old age money from Russian culture which he was after all. He had Rasputin, the personification of his obscurantist politics, close to him. But even this mysterious wandering monk from Siberia, who prophesied a great misfortune to Nikolai, should he be involved in a warlike conflict, could prevent him from entering the Second World War in 1914. The war led the country to disaster, forcing the Tsar himself to give up the throne. Nikolai tried to save the monarchy by abdicating Mikhail in favor of his younger brother. But he gave up the throne, which ended for him just as tragically as for Nikolai – he too was shot down by the Bolsheviks.

  Nicholas II, 18.5.1868 - 16.7.1918, Emperor of Russia 1894 - 1917, Coronation, Receives Holy Communion, Contemporary Painting

Nicholas Receives Holy Communion: Contemporary Painting


Given the bright sides of Nikolai Tsarentum (the peacemaker at the beginning of his reign) and dark acts (undemocratic, up to the support of the "Black Hundred" antisemitic) in the scales, one can come to the unfortunate conclusion that Nikolai was a great man as a private person, as a father, a tsar, but a country in which the capitalism violently and brutally developed, a loser.

And it is this historical loser that we want to make a real hero of Russia and a model of imitation, Putin, who has turned into a single ruler for his reign, can of course consider Nikolai as a mirror image, but this example is not enough for the grandeur and magnificence of the country. At the same time, in the official propaganda, a positive image of Stalin emerges, restoring the borders of imperial Russia and terrorizing the whole world. Such a symbiosis between Nikolai and Stalin seems to be an absolutely incredible phenomenon. But in the beginning, I said that I would talk about the paradoxes of the history of Russia, the hot frying pan, in which we can prepare any dish – it does not matter. not necessarily good taste.

Translated from English by Beate Noise. The writer Viktor Erofeev lives in Moscow. More recently, Hanser published "The Akimuden, A Nonhuman Novel".

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