Ryanair: A machine lands the security at Frankfurt Hahn


After the safety landing of a vacation traveler at Frankfurt-Hahn airport, 33 pbadengers were transported to the hospital. "The pbadengers were complaining of headaches and ears and were suffering from nausea," a spokesman for the federal police said Saturday morning. It can be badumed that there had been a drop in pressure aboard the Ryanair plane, which had 189 pbadengers.

The plane was Friday night on the Dublin flight to the Croatian coastal town of Zadar when the captain asked permission to land at Hahn. Paramedics and emergency physicians took care of the pbadengers. Ambulances took the wounded to the clinic. The intact pbadengers spent the night at the airport. "A replacement plane will probably take people to their destination on Saturday," the police spokesman said.

What exactly happened on board was initially unknown. "The experts need to clarify this, but it can take time," said the spokesman. Initially no one was available to comment on Ryanair and Frankfurt Hahn

Pressure drop on a China Air plane

It was not until Friday that China Air saw a dramatic pressure drop on an airplane come after the jet had dropped thousands of feet in an emergency descent. Pbadengers had to put on oxygen masks

Cause: The co-pilot had smoked an electronic cigarette – and the steam had entered the cabin. To let off steam, he pressed two bad buttons, so that the pressure of the cabin fell and the Boeing 737 went to the steep descent.

The incident occurred half an hour after the launch between Shantou and Xiamen across southern China. The aircraft then returned to normal altitude and continued the flight for more than three hours. The experts later criticized this decision: the oxygen reserves would not have been sufficient for a new pressure drop.

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