Salvini accepts the death of Saviano


Rome. (c) The Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, wants to file a lawsuit against the writer and journalist Roberto Saviano for defamation and defamation. The boss Lega is offended by the comments of the author of "Gomorra". Saviano, according to the minister, has abandoned any form of legal criticism. In the context of Salvini's rigid policies against refugees and aid organizations operating in the Mediterranean, Saviano had called him a "minister of the underworld" using the "mafia language".

In the lawsuit published by the Huffington Post Salvini does not consider himself a person Friday, but undermines the office of the minister, whose job is to take action against organized crime. Saviano could face more than three years imprisonment if he was prosecuted and sentenced.

Even before he took office as Minister of the Interior, Salvini had threatened to deprive the author of the security escort. After the publication of "Gomorra" and other writings against Camorra and Ndrangheta Saviano had been envisaged since 2006, with death threats from the clan. At that time, the Home Office had decided to provide the author with personal protection 24 hours a day. Saviano lives in various hiding places and is still protected by a special escort of the Carabinieri

Hidden Living [19659005] Remove the escort and try to convict Saviano would be a death sentence for the author. Because in Italian prisons – as elsewhere – detainees should not be protected if organized crime tries to kill someone.

Salvini, however, is ready to sue the trial and the writer for defamation by public statements and to see the press sentenced. In the application, he quotes statements from Saviano on the "pact between" Ndrangheta and the Ministry of Interior ", that he would have done in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Saviano complained that Lega's boss at a campaign event in Rosarno, in the Pesce and Bellocco families' clan leaders in the front rows, had named the place only for his neighborhoods of misery refugees known. At the same time, prosecutors are investigating the embezzlement of public funds of 49 million euros by the Lega and, in this context, on the votes of the clans of southern Italy.

Saviano goes a step further: Salvini uses methods to muzzle opponents, as we know only from Putin's Russia. It is not surprising that the leader Lega admires the ruler in Moscow, had already declared Saviano several times. However, now is the time to stand up against this government and especially against its inhuman interior minister, which is endangering the lives of the people of the Mediterranean with its rigorous anti-refugee policy, said the government. author

. respond to the letter from the Minister of the Interior.

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