Salvini advises may be hard on the EU "


Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini urged British Prime Minister Theresa May to be firm in negotiations on Brexit with the European Union. If necessary, may also risk a Brexit without agreement, said Salvini of the "Sunday Times" of London. According to his own experience, he knew that the EU would be deceived if it was not pressed

"There is no objectivity or good faith on the European side" said the right-wing populist politician in reference to EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier. , "My experience in the European Parliament tells me that either you are pushing or deceiving yourself," Salvini . "On some key issues, you do not have to be flexible and you must not back down," he said in the direction of the British Prime Minister

Mbadively Under Pressure

Brexit Course has sworn. According to this document, London will remain badociated with the EU in a free trade agreement in the future. Brexit camp spokespersons, Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and Brexit Minister David Davis left the Mays government to protest the course. There are also critics of the camp of the defenders of the EU. For example, former Prime Minister Tony Blair recently told the BBC that the May course was not what the Brexit defenders had voted in 2016.

May met with the Chancellor on Friday Federal Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) in Salzburg Desire expressed to avoid a hard or disorderly Brexit. European Minister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) had already stated during an APA interview that the Austrian EU presidency through numerous contacts trying to maintain the unity of the EU-27 in the Brexit negotiations. "The greatest good is the unity and community of the 27," said Blümel, who criticized British ideas about future relations with the EU and rejected a tingling grapes. "If someone wants to stop, agree, but without torpedoing things that have been decided together before," said Blümel.


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