Salvini Holidays in Upper Austria? SPÖ indignation at the invitation of FPÖ «


The SPÖ opposes an invitation by the FPÖ to the Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, to spend the holidays in Upper Austria. "With us, Salvini is also undesirable," said Klaus Hoflehner, head of the local SPÖ catfish section, referring to the fact that the island council of Mallorca Salvini declared its migration policy towards unwanted people . Manfred Haimbuchner and the mayor of Welser FPÖ, Andreas Rabl, described the council's decision of the island as "inappropriate and disproportionate". Salvini had "in Europe a reflection process in immigration policy and helped to prevent an unregulated influx into Europe". Therefore, both wanted to establish a "conscious counterpoint" with the invitation to Upper Austria

Invitation FPÖ to Mussolini-Sager

The justification for the invitation is not only inhumane, but also cynical and withdrawn, if you know that this policy of isolation kills thousands of people every week in the sea, criticizes the Welser SPÖ. In addition to shifting the refugee problem to Spain, right-wing populists like Salvini, Rabl and Haimbuchner have no solution – "on the contrary: they endanger the safety of Austrians because this policy is increasing. the number of illegal immigrants and thus the crime ". SPÖ spokesperson Jörg Leichtfried called for an end to the silence of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP). Because Salvini is a dangerous populist. Someone who defames entire ethnic groups certainly should not be welcome. "Yesterday, Salvini made a statement with a Mussolini singer and shortly after the invitation of the Freedom Party followed, seriously asking me if it was a coincidence," Leichtfried said. He pointed out that Austria now holds the EU presidency and looks at the whole of Europe while the FPÖ is wooing the right-wing politician of Europe. "The silence of Chancellor Kurz is a shame," said the spokesman of the European Parliament.

Salvini wants to spend holidays in Italy

The discussion on Salvini's holidays in Upper Austria should remain only theoretical. Because, in response to the decision of the council of Majorcan Island, the leader of the right-wing party Lega has already announced that he wanted to go on holiday in Italy.


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