Salvini Invitation "unacceptable and nasty" |


Salvini Invitation "Unacceptable and Wicked"

WELS. Mayor Rabl is strongly attacked from many quarters. For Wels, the value of advertising is priceless, he retaliates

  Salvini Invitation

Protests against Matteo Salvini are commonplace in Italy. The invitation to the Italian Minister of the Interior and leader Lega Matteo Salvini, pronounced by the vice provincial governor Manfred Haimbuchner and the mayor Andreas Rabl (both FP), triggered violent reactions among the other groups.

Even the coalition partner reacts falsely: "Do we want to become a destination for right-wing populists?", Asks Peter Lehner (VP) the city council responsible for tourism and immediately gives the answer: "I do not do not want that. " Welser SP speaks of a scandalous kneeling in front of one of the greatest hustlers in Europe. Councilman Johann Reindl-Schwaighofer says: "If the Welsh mayor with such a dog burns, the protection seeker called human flesh, then he has exceeded the limit of insipidity."

As reported, Salvini was from the Insular Council in Mallorca because of his migration policy to the unwanted person was declared. As a result, both FP politicians made their holiday offer controversial. "Whether at the traditional Welser Volksfest or as a cyclist in the Wels racing bike region, the invitation is," says Rabl in a FP broadcast

Walter Teubl des Grnen finds the invitation to the Italian Minister of the Interior "completely unacceptable and smelly". Councilor Markus Hufnagl of Welser Neos fears further invitations to right-wing populists like Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders and Viktor Orban

One could indeed criticize the fact that Salvini was officially removed from the council of the 39, island of Majorca. "So invite him to Upper Austria, does not work at all," says Neos Council

For the tourist agent Helmut Platzer of Wels, the holiday offer to politician Lega is a beautiful summer hole topic. This is the opportunity to draw attention to the tourist offerings. "We do not let ourselves be dragged into political waters and we do not need an Italian Minister of the Interior to fill our chambers."

International Headlines

Yesterday again, the mayor of Wels emphasized the seriousness of his invitation. The host media in Italy, Switzerland and Germany have accepted our offer and have made much of it. Never has our city been internationally as a race bike region and organizer of the Welser Volksfest in the headlines as now. "

to be spent in Italy.

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