Salzburg: EU Appeal and Brexit Tower |


Salzburg: Call of the EU and Brexit Tower

SALZBURG. Advocacy of Van der Bellens for the EU. May and Kurz advise British withdrawal

  Salzburg: EU Appeal and Brexit Tower

Federal Chancellor Kurz welcomed British Prime Minister May to Salzburg. Bild: APA

"In politics, I do not want to give up lightning and madness" – with this vision of the world of opera and theater, President Alexander Van der Bellen delivered his second opening speech at the Salzburg Festival Pbadion for Europe

"Beware of voluntary dwarfism", he warns in the presence of his counterpart, the Portuguese Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, before reviving a " nationalism of the arrow "without foresight. It was an unfortunate sign on the wall that a member of the United Kingdom is leaving the union with Britain.

The Brexit theme was discussed by Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (VP) and British Prime Minister Theresa May on the sidelines of the opening of the festival. The month of May was followed by Kurz's invitation to Salzburg to jointly discuss the Brexit settlement, which is to be signed in October, as highlighted by a brief statement in a four-eyed conversation. In the evening, Presidents Rebelo de Sousa and Van der Bellen attended the premiere of Mozart's Magic Flute Festival.

Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas also visited Kurz during the Austrian Presidency of the Council. Estonia is the next presidency of the European Union

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