Saudi Arabia confirms the assassination of Jamal Khashoggis at the Istanbul consulate | TIME ONLINE


The night has given Saudi Arabia State television and state news agency SPA, version of the prosecutor's office known for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi: between the 59 years and several people, "he met at the consulate of the Kingdom in Istanbul "had come for discussions and a dispute. It had become a "fist fight" that had resulted in the journalist's death. Eighteen Saudi citizens were suspected and arrested, said SPA early in the morning. Just under three weeks after Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance, Saudi Arabia has officially confirmed his badbadination at the consulate. Until now, Saudi leaders vehemently and repeatedly denied that the journalist and critic of the regime was killed at the consulate.

With this statement, the Saudi government apparently tries to remove Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from the firing line. A link with the act could hurt the 33-year-old, who has been under severe pressure since the journalist's disappearance. The abbreviation MBS of the Crown Prince was ridiculed last week as "Mr. Bone Saw", the man at the bone saw, while phantasmagorical details support the royal contract charge with Jamal Khashoggi. The Turkish authorities had badumed that he was coming from Saudi Arabia. Arabia.
arrived at the consulate and his body was taken away. Saudi Arabia rejected the
Reports without foundation, but delivered in the end, no explanation
for the disappearance of the journalist.

According to the SPA news agency, the king's home advisor, Saud al-Kahtani, and the deputy intelligence chief, Ahmed al-Asiri, have also been dismissed. Al-Asiri is considered a close confidant of Mohammed bin Salman. There was recent speculation on a royal version of events, according to which General Al-Asiri should be presented as the culprit of Khashoggi's murder. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has ordered, according to the media, the formation of a ministerial committee, which should rebuild the intelligence service.

Riyadh's admission is likely due to growing pressure from US President Donald Trump, an important ally of the royal family. Trump had recently announced a "heavy penalty" for the case where Saudi Arabia would be responsible for Khashoggi's death. Just hours before the announcement of Riyadh Trump had promised new discoveries in the case of Khashoggi, but he talked about the next few days. "We'll know a lot in the next two or three days," he said at a concert in Scottsdale, Arizona.

"Not credible"

The White House has not commented on the possible consequences for Saudi Arabia in a first statement following the confirmation of Khashoggi's death. "The United States takes note of the announcement made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that its investigation into the fate of Jamal Kashoggi is ongoing and that he is acting against the suspects identified so far" , says the release. International surveys will continue to be closely monitored.

Meanwhile, in the United States Congress, doubts have been expressed about the portrait of the death of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. "It would be an understatement to say that I am skeptical about the new Saudi representation of Mr. Khashoggi's death," US Republican Senator Lindsay Graham wrote on Twitter. Eliot Engel, the highest representative of the Democrats' Committee on External Relations, said: "The statement made tonight by the Saudi authorities is simply unbelievable, not least because history has so changed them. days". He called on the US government to push for a "thorough and transparent investigation".

Journalist Khashoggi wanted to visit the Kingdom's consulate in Japan on October 2 Istanbul Collect papers and has since disappeared. Khashoggi had a permanent residence permit in the United States and wrote for the Washington PostThe newspaper published on Wednesday the last column of the author. The editors thought that Khashoggi was no longer alive.

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