Saudi Arabia to lower the price of oil … an "error"


Trump Solo: Saudi Arabia lowers the price of oil … an "error"

Donald Trump wants to cap the price of oil. The increase is now $ 80 a barrel instead of being like a year ago at $ 50. This is after all a 60% price increase, partly due to the uncertainty caused by Donald Trump's foreign policy. However, Trump's actions and his promises in this case are particularly bizarre.

Background: Elections

For this, Trump made a phone call in Saudi Arabia. He asked to increase oil production. He gave 2 million barrels. Up to 10 million barrels had actually applied for it. In the United States, this was immediately received with skepticism. The Wall Street Journal, for example, considers that such a jump is "unachievable". Saudi Arabia's oil suppliers have already slowed Trump

The system would have been designed to mbadively increase production to balance bottlenecks in order to make the oil market more predictable and more predictable. stabilize global economic growth.

Trump wants it to be obvious. On the one hand, his presidency badumes that key economic figures are at least right. On the other hand, there will be elections soon. Because in November there are congressional elections. Excessively high oil prices also affect the United States and its economy as well as local consumers. That's what the elections are for, not the global economic performance, as suggested here.

The reaction of Iran is violent. It is one of the major competitors in the market and insists that oil production is currently not developed. Because Trump is responsible for sanctions against Iran. In this sense, Iran will not allow it, if the United States tries to further weaken the country in this way. The background to these explanations is the fact that the United States has again asked countries like China or India to stop oil imports from Iran until the 4th. November.

If the countries consulted did not take it into account, there would be more Sanctions

The oil war has begun – and Trump will hardly be able to win if the Saudis do not play as promised here.

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