Saudi Arabia wants to discover the "truth" "


Nothing new in the case of Khashoggi, one could say – at least on the front of the evidence. Regarding the statements, there were also a number of statements and allegations on Tuesday. Especially, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. His speech to the Turkish Parliament was eagerly awaited. Will it provide evidence that the Saudi regime's critic Jamal Khashoggi was badbadinated at the Saudi consulate in early October?

But Erdogan was again guilty of evidence, but was talking about a "plot to badbadinate". Saudi Arabia had "cruelly killed" the journalist. There was strong evidence that the badbadination of Jamal Khashoggi had been planned in advance, Erdogan told the Turkish parliament on Tuesday. Contrary to expectations, Erdogan did not reveal new revolutionary details. He had himself announced the statement Sunday and said he was going to "go into the details".

The President welcomed the 18 arrests reported by Saudi Arabia. But they are not enough for him. Erdogan spoke of a "political murder". With the arrest of "some intelligence agents", we can not be pushed back. He wanted clarification on "the orders". A sentence that will put the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman under pressure. In addition, Turkey wants to know where Khashoggi's body is.

Erdogan pointed out that no one could presume that the investigation of the case could be completed without answering all the questions. The Turkish president also wants to extradite the Saudi suspects. They should be tried in Istanbul.

Turkish president confirms Khashoggi double

Erdogan also noted in his speech the state of the previous investigation. He provided a meticulous account of the act from the Turkish point of view. According to this information, several men from Saudi Arabia reportedly arrived the day before the disappearance of the man. Erdogan spoke of "three teams". One of them had "investigated" the murder committed in the forests of Belgrade and Yalova district, near Istanbul. On the day of the murder, they went to the consulate independently of each other between 9:50 am and 11:00 am local time to meet each other. Later, one of the Saudis who arrived, dressed in Khashoggi's clothes and wearing a false beard, reappeared and went to Riyadh. The double should eventually put the investigators on the wrong track.

Until now, the Turkish authorities have not yet communicated any opinion on the official status of the investigation. Since the disappearance of this man, government officials and members of the security forces have anonymously disclosed information to Turkish and US media without providing evidence. Even from where the information came from, it was not clear.

Riad is impatient

The Saudi government is committed to holding all those responsible for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi accountable. It was irrelevant, "whatever they are," said the Cabinet, which was distributed Tuesday by the official SPA news agency. The kingdom has taken steps to "reveal the truth" and punish those responsible, he said.

Saudi Arabia on Saturday acknowledged under international pressure that the government critic had been killed during a "fight" on Oct. 2 at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. However, there is skepticism around the world after Riyadh badured for weeks that Khashoggi had left the consulate alive.

(APA / red).

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