Saudi investigators will kill Khashoggi in a targeted manner | TIME ONLINE


Suspects in the Khashoggi case killed the Saudi
According to the Saudi authorities, the journalists planned in advance. the
Turkish investigators provided the appropriate information,
says the Attorney General Saudi Arabia according to the official SPA press agency with.

In addition, it has been reported that CIA Director Gina Haspel may have heard a sound recording during the killings.
The journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the consulate of Saudi Arabia in
Istanbul was created. Reel made the recording during his
Having heard about the trip to Turkey this week, two said
People familiar with the operation of the Reuters news agency, which are not mentioned
wanted to. Representative of the US Secret Service CIA and Turkish
The intelligence declined to comment on this.

The Turkish
Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu said his government
Information sent to certain participants
need more details. Turkey does not aspire to
But bring the case to an international tribunal
Exchange findings if international investigations
would be initiated. The Turkish authorities had declared them
had a sound recording documenting the act. However, the bands themselves have not made public the Turkish government. It was also not known how she could have obtained the recordings. There is a constant badumption that Turkey has been spying the consulate with listening devices.

Turkish authorities arrested 18 Saudis

Khashoggi was at the consulate of Saudi Arabia in early October Istanbul
I want to get back some documents for her wedding and I never came back from the consulate. Saudi Arabia initially stated that it knew nothing of the whereabouts of the journalist. After strong international pressure, the authorities acknowledged that Khashoggi had been killed at the consulate. The officially released Riyadh version that also says Khashoggi in a "fist fight"
Death had come. Turkish investigators, however, badume that Khashoggi was tortured and murdered by a special force of 15 men specially sent for deportation to Saudi Arabia.

At the same time, the Turkish authorities arrested 18 suspects of Saudi nationality. The Saudi Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman announced a severe punishment of the perpetrators
sure. He called the killing of Khashoggi "a heinous crime". However, there are reports of clues including close relatives
Environment of the Saudi Crown Prince in the case
could be involved. The 33-year-old is under increasing pressure from the West:
US President Donald Trump said the crown prince is wearing the
Responsibility for the mission leading to the death of
The government critic had led.

Saudi King and Crown Prince Approve Khashoggi's Family

Already on Tuesday King Salman and received
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the palace of Khashoggi's brother, Sahl, and son of Khashoggi, Salah. Salman and the
The Crown Prince condemned the Khashoggi family, who thanked him. The children of Khashoggi
had an international investigation of the case a week ago
necessary. An independent and objective team should change the circumstances
Disappear and enlighten the reports on the murder of the journalist,
it was said.

Foreign Ministers of the G7 countries have also published a
Statement in which they ask Saudi Arabia to clarify the case
appellant. The explanations previously proposed have left many more
Unanswered questions, he said. Saudi Arabia must have a "credible,
transparent and rapid investigation "and the
Hold those responsible responsible. Due to the case, Chancellor Angela Merkel had announced
that without clarification, no new German
Arms exports to Saudi Arabia would be approved.

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