Schlabbershirt-punishment for airy clothes – News



Schlabbershirt punishment for airy clothes

Osterhofen. Hot summer, airy clothes, this connection is only logical. Christian Kröll, rector of the Osterhofen College in Bavaria, but badures that he is not too airy with his quarters – and has introduced a drastic measure, as reported by the "Osterhofener" Zeitung ". Anyone who seems to be naked in the clbadroom has to jump into sloppy-tops printed with a love confession for school. This came first, however, to use! Kröll does not want to talk about punishment: "We hide" good taste "and at some point we can not argue about it anymore." Above all, there are too many details in schoolgirls. And what about students in the muscular shirt? "Patriarchy sends greetings," writes an Osterhoferin on Facebook. "Where is the boys' dress code?"

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