Seehofer presents the migration of Masterplan – News


He arrives with a month late, almost drove the German government into the abyss – and also caused a lot of bad blood at the presentation on Tuesday: the "Master Plan Migration" Horst Seehofer (69, CSU) is the! The Federal Minister of the Interior presented in Berlin the final version of the 63-point document and immediately caused a scandal. Because the changes after the agreements with the CDU and the coalition are not included in the master plan – the SPD raged, spoke of a "defamation theater" of the CSU …

The network reports on the presentation (source: YouTube).

Did Seehofer deliberately provoke? It is clear that he had already stated at the beginning of the press conference: "The decisions of the 5 July coalition summit are not incorporated". He also said that the current version was "the master plan of the Federal Minister of the Interior", which "is not changed now or in a few weeks"!

"The SPD does not need the summer theater of the CSU"

Seehofer also stressed that all that happens in the implementation, in the plan does not will not be updated and Federal Minister of the Interior. The reaction of the Social Democrats did not take long to come: Ralf Stegner, Deputy Head of the SPD, said: "The rehearsal of a defamation theater is a sham." The SPD did not need other performances in the summer theater of the CSU. " We do not even talk about what Mr Seehofer has presented today: we have a master plan and that is the coalition agreement that applies to us, which needs to be put implemented by the Federal Minister of the Interior, otherwise we need your support for the campaign. do the CSU without us! Saskia Esken, member of the SPD Bundestag, asked on Twitter whether Seehofer had acted as an individual or he still considered himself to be part of the coalition:

Horst Seehofer himself does he consider it part of the coalition in the federal government?

When he presents the #Masterplan of the president @CSU of 1 July without change, but with the cover of @BMI_Bund he does not does not take into account the agreement with the @CDU of July 2nd as well as that of the Coalition of July 5th.

– Saskia Esken (@EskenSaskia) 10. July 2018

The tweet of the SPD Esken's wife (source: Twitter).

At the request of a journalist, Seehofer left his intentions open: "This is not a provocation, but if you want, you can see it as one." But why did the Minister of the Interior present an outdated and flawed plan? Thus, point 27, of which much has been said, is already overtaken by the decision of the coalition. Originally, Seehofer meant here that Germany could, if necessary, reject refugees registered in another EU country at the German border. And: In the master plan is still the concept of "transit centers", which was no longer included in the compromise of asylum of the coalition …

Seehofer: "Behind every plan is an attitude "

The leaders of the coalition government (CDU / CSU, SPD) had agreed last Thursday to consider the refoulement of refugees on the German-Austrian border as part of what 39, transit procedures are called. They should be rejected if they have already applied for asylum in another EU country. The basis of this agreement should be agreements to be concluded with the countries concerned.

Seehofer was more likely to make a personal statement "by deep conviction" – a problem that Germany will occupy again in the coming years if not decades, so the CSU man. "There is an attitude behind every plan, the leitmotif here is the creation of order and the guarantee of humanity." "The master plan is part of the asylum change in Germany." We understood that this should not happen Change the migration policy, "he explained during the presentation.

The first asylum talks with Italy are scheduled on Wednesday

And what's next? Commenting on the upcoming negotiations with European partners, the Minister of the Interior said: "Tomorrow we will talk to Italy, it will be very difficult talks, but they will succeed, I can not tell them On the horizon, I would like to clarify whether there will be agreements or not. "

And what is in Seehofer's master plan in detail? He called what are called anchor centers: "anchor" means "arrival, decision, repatriation". In the future, all asylum procedures will be implemented in these centers, with all competent authorities and jurisdictions represented. In addition, there should be more eviction detention centers – so wants to meet the Minister of the Interior of the "current emergency situation". To this end, Seehofer intends to temporarily suspend the "separation of deportees and other detainees".

Anchorage Centers, Detention Centers, Border Patrols: This is in Seehofer's "Master Plan"

Head of Federal States to "Expand Adequate Places of Detention". There is also talk of what is called "detention facilities" – it is there that the corresponding creation of these facilities in commercial airports must be examined. It is also expected that asylum seekers will have to pay all legal costs in the future.

Seehofer also called for stricter rules for asylum seekers. For example, criminals who are legally sentenced are threatened with revocation of their protection status: "Anyone who abuses his right of residence to commit crimes must leave his country," the plan says. In addition, asylum seekers can not go home during the procedure. Finally, the external borders of the EU should be better protected. Migrants rescued to the Mediterranean could be brought to "landing platforms" in North Africa, in line with the decisions of the EU summit.

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