Seehofer today visiting Vienna – News


A new "border regime" on the German-Austrian border aims to prevent asylum seekers from entering the country, whose procedures are the responsibility of other countries of the country. 39; EU.

Should the external borders of the EU be better protected?

Slaughter of the Union between Merkel and Seehofer

Following this accommodation compromise between the German parties CDU and CSU, Austria is preparing to protect its southern border. If the decision is supported by the SPD, "we are forced to act to avoid disadvantages to Austria and its people," said Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), Vice Chancellor Heinz -Christian Strache (FPÖ) and Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) announced Tuesday.

Austria was waiting for "a quick clarification of the position of the German government". The federal government in Vienna was in any case "ready to take special measures to protect our southern borders", he said in the declaration of

Seehofer in Vienna

The Federal Minister German Interior Horst Seehofer CSU), Chancellor Kurz will travel to Vienna on Thursday. He felt that Kurz was "interested in reasonable solutions". At noon, there will be a meeting of Seehofer, Kurz, Strache and Kickl

Tyrolean Governor Platter (ÖVP)

In view of the visit Seehofer a fierce attack against him, threatened with his own border controls and "traffic jam in Nuremberg", Bavaria should close the borders.

Small unanimity in the German coalition: Seehofer wants yes "Transitzentren" in Set up near the border. On Wednesday, it was initially said that refugees are not allowed to leave the facilities. Seehofer then stated that asylum seekers would be detained for up to two days. If they can not be transferred to another country during this time, they must go to a normal reception center. But now, the SPD coalition party is arguing: "Closed camps" will not exist.

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