"Service doctors can not leave the hospital" "DiePresse.com


A medical emergency on 2 November is a topic of conversation in Vienna: a man collapsed in his car in front of the Divine Savior Hospital in Vienna-Hernals and died later. A pbader-by who had noticed the unconscious alarmed the gatekeeper of the hospital. He had advised her to inform him of the rescue because the doctors were not allowed out of the hospital. Also on request, he "just repeated, no, I should call 144. That made me look like he did not care," his wife said Monday night. at Zib2 ORF. The woman then informed the rescue.

At the same time, the doorman alarmed the doctor on call, who with a colleague left the hospital, the patient of the car rescued and resuscitated him in the street until the next day. emergency arrival, wrote Monday the hospital in a statement. He also mentions: "In principle, doctors working in hospitals are responsible for the care provided to hospital patients.The provisions of the Vienna Hospital Act indicate that doctors on duty are not allowed to leave the hospital. hospital so as not to put patients at risk, because it can occur at any time from an acute case at home.

The patient came to another hospital

Despite this, the senior physician on duty "after first badessing the risk at home, decided to provide first aid immediately." Even the porter could not leave the house. He had asked the pbaderby to call for help and, in the meantime, immediately contacted a duty doctor at home.

The patient was then taken to the hospital Divine Savior, but to the Wilhelminenspital. There the man is dead. Transportation to another hospital was necessary because there is no emergency room at the Divine Savior Hospital. There are "clear guidelines on how the salvation in the rescue chain is acting, which is why the patient was taken to Wilhelminum hospital," said the hospital in a statement. That the case "in the immediate vicinity of our hospital many busy discussions and triggers for discussions" was aware of the existence of the hospital. We will also badyze and evaluate the unfolding of the incident, "even if we have acted correctly according to the current state".


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