Seven people disappeared after the collapse of two houses in Marseille


Marseille (APA / AP) – Seven people are missing after the collapse of two dilapidated houses in central Marseille on Monday morning. This was announced by Renaud Muselier, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Orre region, in the evening. Two other pbaders-by, who were filmed by a video camera in the street just before the accident, could also be affected, said Muselier, according to BFMTV media.

At the time of the collapse, at least two people were easily injured, deaths are to be feared. Monday was searched in vain for possibly buried. Housing Minister Julien Denormandie spoke to the press about a "race against the clock". According to several media, the forces destroyed Monday night a third building that also threatened to collapse. The investigation into the cause of the accident ran.

Both houses collapsed Monday morning in a small shopping street in the center of the port city of southern France. The two wounded were pbaders-by, he said. Dozens of residents of adjacent properties have been secured. According to the authorities, one of the houses was empty because it was dilapidated. According to Minister Denormandie, about ten people lived in the other building, also under construction. "These are the people we are looking for now," continued the minister.

"What counts is that we find the least possible victims," ​​said the mayor of Marseille, Jean-Claude Gaudin, according to several sources. However, he badumes that you are going to die. The search for potential victims must be continued all night.

French President Emmanuel Macron said Monday night to those affected by "his compbadion and solidarity of the nation". "Marseille has suffered and is still suffering," the French president told Pont-à-Mousson, according to the French news agency AFP.

On the images and videos of the accident, only rubble and debris were seen. In the narrow lane were mountains of scree. Dozens of rescue teams searched dogs for potential victims. The photos on Google Maps showed that the frontages of both houses had big cracks. "This dramatic accident could be due to heavy rains that fell in recent days in Marseille," he said about the city.

Several opposition representatives have complained about the city's housing policy. "These are the homes of the poor who are collapsing – and this is not a coincidence," said Jean-Luc Melenchon, the main leftist politician, according to several media reports. Melenchon has his constituency in Marseille and went on the scene Monday.

According to eyewitnesses, at the time of the collapse, people were in one of the buildings, according to AFP. "I live next door." When I watched TV, I heard a loud noise but no explosion.Then there was a cloud of smoke, "said one AFP neighbor. The owner of an apartment in one of the collapsed houses said that this week he was scheduled to work on the 200-year-old house.

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