Silent commemoration at Lassing for the 20th anniversary


Silent Commemoration at Lbading for the 20th Anniversary

LASSING. Exactly twenty years after the Lbading mining accident, which claimed the lives of ten people, a simple memorial service was held last night in the Upper Styrian Community

  Silent Commemoration in Lbading for the 20th Anniversary [19659004] The memorial commemorating the ten victims, <span clbad= Image: Weihbold

The silent remembrance scene was the Barbara Chapel near the old Talk mine, which collapsed in 1998 and even ripped apart residential buildings. The photos went around the world at the time.

It was not until 2000 that the crater was filled. Since then, a memorial in the form of ten commemorative stones commemorates the most serious mining accident in Austria since the Second World War.

Yesterday, at the memorial service, the Lbadinger wanted to stand apart – only the relatives and relatives of the victims had come to the memorial, The memorial to Lbading also exerts a great attraction on the unaffected people personally . To this day, people – who are just pbading by – are left to express their sympathy on the spot.

Rescue after nine days

On July 17, 1998, the Lbading mining disaster shook the whole country. Ten mates, who had climbed into the pit to look for the buried miner Georg Hainzl, had been fatally injured during a flood. They have never been found and are still resting in the old mine of the Naintsch Mineralwerke GmbH

Among other things, German and Hungarian mining rescue teams and special research teams have been of theirs own initiative for rescue measures. The miner Georg Hainzl was saved after nine days. For the survivors of the injured miners had a wave of helpfulness throughout Austria, statements of sympathy from around the world had arrived.

Already Saturday in the OÖNachrichten a detailed review of events 20 years ago in Lbading, read the news .at

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