Situation in Nantes after the riots «


After the serious riots in the city of Nantes, in the west of France, there were incidents in the evening. The situation in the district where a policeman killed a young man Tuesday is again tense, according to the authorities. He had two cars and a minibus lit up. Many anti-riot forces would be in place at night

19:24, 04 July 2018


[19659009] An Official shot a check Tuesday night on the 22 year old and fatally wounded. As a result, about 30 cars and several shops had been lit in the night of Wednesday, the situation had calmed down in the morning. An investigation into the justice system is intended to clarify the circumstances of the incident.

Media photographs showed burnt cars and damaged shops, and several neighborhoods were hit by riots on Wednesday night. "The damage is important," said the prefect Nicole Klein. Interior Minister Gerard Collomb condemned "acts of violence and destruction unacceptable" and called for rest, as his ministry has announced.

Dramatic events evoke memories of the 2005 suburban riots. At that time, two young people were fleeing the police In a transformer in mortal danger and suffering a deadly electric shock – the accident triggered weeks of youth revolt in the suburbs.

Collomb now promised "all necessary means" to "calm the situation and prevent any further incidents". It was up to the judiciary to clarify the circumstances that led to the death of the driver of the car

According to local police chief Jean-Christophe Bertrand, the riot police had asked the young man to park his car But the driver had reset "to escape control". A policeman was hit on the knee, after which a colleague opened fire. The driver died later in the hospital. However, several French media cited alleged witnesses who disagreed with the police version.

An arrest warrant was issued against the young man from the Paris region, prosecutor Pierre Sennes told AFP. He was wanted for gang theft, robbery and criminal union.

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