Situation not yet completely under control «


Several people were shot dead at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. The shooter has surrendered – but another shooter can not be completely ruled out.

6:38 pm, October 27, 2018

Police encircled the Jewish church with a large contingent © AP

In a synagogue in Pittsburgh it was shots. The Pittsburgh municipal government confirmed Saturday the appropriate media reports. "There is an active shooter in the region of Wilkins and Shady," warned Saturday the urban civil defense agency, made up of local police, on Twitter.

Fox Station reported four deaths and a seven-person CBS. Other local media reports have reported eight dead. The alleged gunman shot shortly after the police. There are deaths, "a police spokesman told reporters on Saturday, he could not give any information, three policemen were shot dead, a suspect arrested, and later he spoke of" several victims ".

Another shooter?

However, even after the arrest of the white suspect, the situation was not completely under control, another shooter could not be completely ruled out.

The synagogue "Tree of Life" is considered a conservative Jewish church, but open to innovation, as stated by the President of the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area, Jeff Finkelstein. Normally, about 50 to 60 worshipers arrive on Saturday morning. In other parts of the United States, security arrangements for Jewish institutions were immediately expanded.

According to Jeff Finkelstein, president of the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area, Squirrel Hill, where the synagogue is located, is home to about 50 percent of the people in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. Finkelstein was shocked: "Something like that should not happen, not in a synagogue, not in our neighborhood." A local television channel reported, citing eyewitnesses, that the gunman went to the synagogue and uttered the words "All Jews must die."

The shots would have fallen on the second floor of the church. The question of whether there was fighting outside the building was not clear. US President Donald Trump has called the people of the region via Twitter to seek protection.

Television footage showed a significant police presence in Squirrel Hill, an area where many Jewish people live. The synagogue was encircled. Firefighters and police took people away. The details remained completely obscure at first.

The Americans are watching a new mbad tragedy unfold, this time in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Each nation is home to fanatics, racists and misogynists. Only America allows you easy access to arsenals and ammunition.

– Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) October 27, 2018

The American president Donald Trump wrote on Twitter, There were probably several deadIn the United States, more than 30,000 people die each year from firearms.

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