So dramatic was the rescue of the three workers – readers


Work in the Wienfluss was almost dedicated to three workers in Vienna early Tuesday afternoon. Usually, the Wienfluss is only a trickle or a small stream. But heavy rains have caused it to swell in the raging river.

Three workers were surprised by the mbades of water and carried away with their vehicles. Pbadersby spotted the men in the water and immediately called the rescuers.

The cars were taken from the river Wien

They were taken from the city park to Urania

700 meters The vehicles washed away by the floods. At the U4 bridge, almost to Urania, they finally managed to hold on until the forces could come to their aid with ropes and a boat. "Today" reporters filmed the dramatic rescue operation using a smartphone.

The firefighters took the three workers out of the icy water after a few minutes. All three men were soaked, but otherwise unharmed and well.

Rescue of a vehicle only when the level drops

It will take some time for the three co-purged vehicles to be recovered from the riverbed. Only when the level has gone down far enough, the fire department can do to the recovery of small trucks and the crane car.

Accident during the storm at Urania

So far, the maritime traffic on the Danube Cbad has been interrupted. The danger that the vehicles are swept there and that they are heading towards a Schiffshawarie is too big.

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