South Tyrol double passes for Italy "strange initiative"


Italian Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi described the Austrian plans for granting dual nationality to South Tyrolese as a "strange initiative" about which the Italian government asks questions. "With all the problems in Europe, the issue of dual nationality seems to us to be the last issue that should have been raised," the minister said.

Italy had requested information from the Vienna Government. Moavero Milanesi had invited the Austrian ambbadador to Rome, Rene Pollitzer, to an exchange of views on the issue of double crossing South Tyrol this morning, according to an APA survey at the embbady from Austria to Rome. The conversation had been "friendly".

Previously, the Minister of Relations with Parliament, Riccardo Fraccaro, had stated that the Austrian government's willingness to introduce dual nationality for South Tyrolese was "worrying". "The Austrian government should refrain from pursuing the political instrumentalisation of such an important subject", commented Fraccaro

The government does not want to give a date

The "Tiroler Tageszeitung" reported last weekend. September 7 should be tabled on the bill. Then, the South Tyrol Working Group meets for the third time. The Austrian government did not want to confirm that. "We can not confirm the date – not even for the design," said government spokesman Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal

The government spokesman said that "the legal requirements for the award Citizenship will be in 2019 at the earliest / 2020. The future solution will also be "developed in dialogue with Rome and in coordination with Bolzano." The possibility of granting Austrian citizenship to ethnic groups of German and Ladin mother tongue also follows. "In the spirit of European integration and the European peace project"

According to the Tiroler Tageszeitung report, the working group defines the possible candidate. Austria, all Italian citizens living in South Tyrol should speak German or Ladin mother tongue, according to the newspaper.The working groups also clarified their rights and obligations.

Critical Tale

Legislator Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Italian opposition force (FdI – Fratelli d 'Italia), warned that the Austrian willingness to give a double pbad to the South Tyrolese this would open the way for the secession of South Tyrol. She complained that the government of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte had not sufficiently protested against this "diplomatic aggression" against Italy.

Your party was ready to face the barricades against Austria. "If Austria introduces the double pbad, we will insist that no double Italo-Austrian nationality be recognized in Italy." "Whoever wants Austrian citizenship will lose Italian," says Meloni

In Austria, SPÖ President Christian Kern was skeptical about double pbades. "I think that's the wrong way, because with the European agreement we have found a common perspective for the Tyrol South and Austria, "Kern said in the daily" Dolomiten "of South Tyrol.

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