Spain: More than 1,400 refugees in three days


The attention of the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean has increasingly shifted to Spain: from Friday to yesterday only, more than 1,400 boat refugees have arrived in the country , according to the Coast Guard. Most of them came from North Africa in small boats. The Spanish government has called for a European solution: "The migration problem is a European problem and requires a European solution," Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Malaska

said on Friday. yesterday then 211. Spain has replaced Italy as the main destination for refugees in Europe this year.

EU badistance required

The main road between Libya and Italy has become less crowded. The new government in Rome leaves virtually no boat refugees in the country, moreover, the Libyan authorities seem to be increasingly against the traffickers. As a result, many migrants are moving to neighboring Algeria and Morocco to try to move to Spain.

The Minister of Interior Grande-Malaska examined the situation Saturday during a visit to the port of Alreciras, south of Spain. The Socialist has announced that a reception center for 600 migrants will be opened shortly. He called for more badistance from European partners and accused the predecessor Conservative government's negligence of "too little preparation" for the foreseeable move of refugees.

Today Grande-Malaska wants to visit the North African transit country. He should go to a "strengthening of cooperation in migration issues," said his ministry.

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