SPD: Andrea Nahles is also fighting for his work – politics in Germany



After the elections, the slaps of Bavaria and Hesse Andrea Nahles are attacked. The leader of the SPD knows that some comrades are wondering if she is the right one. Nahles responded to his criticisms in the Süddeutsche Zeitung: "If anyone thinks he can do it better, he should contact him."

Tonight at 19:30, the presidium meets at Willy-Brandt-Haus for the exam. Monday morning, the party executive speaks about it. Nahles and Secretary General Lars Klingbeil wrote a six-page document. In this paper, they set a timetable for coalition agreement projects and make suggestions on how to speed up party renewal.

Nahles directs the discussion of personnel issues to the great conflict on whether the SPD should remain in the grand coalition. Nahles buys time. Your luck: Currently, no promising candidate wants his job.

There is still a lot of criticism. A board member judges on Nahles Klingbeil's paper: "It's a mishmash in Apparatschiksprache." The 52 board members can now propose changes. On Monday, the final version will be decided.

Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer wants to bring peace to the SPD, he told GroKo's opponents: "In a coalition, you have to compromise, but you can not do anything about it. opposition. "She points out that even the current coalition agreement disproportionately contains a large number of SPD projects. Dreyer calls comrades to have more confidence in them: "We do not have to reinvent ourselves in the politics of social justice, but to show with confidence what we have achieved."

Currently, the SPD is like a stack of chicken. Secretary General Klingbeil has claimed billions of dollars for artificial intelligence during a "daily mirror" interview. Unfortunately, he did not say anything to the Minister of Finance. And the confidants of Olaf Scholz telephoned on Friday, with whom everything was settled.

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