Special anniversary – 40 years of the Zwentendorf nuclear power station: a place of movement


Instead of nuclear fission, 40 years after the referendum held in the building, which belongs to EVN since 2005, there are not only guided tours, but also continuing education for experts.

13 years ago, EVN acquired the building, which was 50% owned by Verbund. "For years, it was a place where everything failed, which has been taken into account," said company spokesman Stefan Zach at the November 5, 1978, referendum.

The control room of the Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant, taken on 1 October 2008.



Most importantly, the reactor environment that has never been put online has played a major role in the EVN considerations. About 24 hectares are dedicated to the center of the Augebiets power plant and are included in the plans of the energy supplier, according to Zach as a reserve site. We think mainly in the direction of renewable energies.

Recovery Training Center for Nuclear Technicians

Since 2015, the facility itself serves as an international recovery training center for nuclear engineers. In Tulln District, they could lead to the gradual dismantling of a nuclear power plant in a safe and radiation-free environment, so to speak on the dry, Zach said. Zwentendorf is a "1: 1 exercise model", which also has a future in this form. Potential candidates for training are sufficiently available: "There are 36 similar boiling water reactors in Europe," said Zach.

EVN in Zwentendorf has also been investing in renewable energy since 2009. Photovoltaic systems were installed on the roof and on the exterior façade and were developed six years ago. The company receives very positive feedback after the proposed reactor hearing visits since 2010. Several times a week, visitors discover "a piece of contemporary Austrian history," Zach explained.

Interior view of the Zwentendorf nuclear power plant, taken on 1 October 2008. 40 years ago, on 5 November 1978, the majority of Austrians objected to the commissioning of the Zwentendorf nuclear power plant.



The Zwentendorf nuclear power plant has made a name for itself as a filming location, the spokesman for EVN said, referring to several feature films and documentaries. In addition, fashion and corporate events were held in the historic building. Zach: "We already had car shows in the turbine room".

Popular music festival "stop"

The "Shutdown" music festival organized by Independent Event GmbH on the AKW website is gaining more and more success. It attracted 10,000 visitors in its second edition in 2018, according to the spokesman of the company. "This event, which we enjoy, will continue in the coming years."

According to Zach, the annual operating costs of the wrongly used oven are between 350,000 and 500,000 euros. Thanks to the income generated by the various activities, a "black zero" has been developed for several years.

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