SPÖ-Justizsprecher Jarolim apologize to Juncker for Vilimsky-Sager «DiePresse.com


With regard to allegations of alcoholism and the resignation of the FPÖ Secretary General, Harald Vilimsky, against the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, no member of the ÖVP government must be criticized. Justice Minister Josef Moser told the radio station "Morgenjournal" on Saturday that it was "said enough". Vilimsky had taken pictures of the hesitation and on the basis of several guests, the chairman of the NATO summit committee as an opportunity to request a quick resignation Juncker

Moser was almost word for word on the already widely adopted by several other members of the ÖVP. excellent cooperation "of the government with the European Commission, the efforts to make the Austrian Presidency a success and the reference to the statements of the European Commissioner Johannes Hahn (ÖVP) and the head of the delegation of the ÖVP in the European Parliament, Othmar Karas Jarolim wrote in a letter to Juncker that he wanted "because of the increasingly embarrbading irregularities and deadlines of Austrian politicians and the complete lack of response from other officials." apologies to the chairman of the commission for the unfairness and rudeness that occurred.Also because it was hardly understandable to him, "that the forces responsible in themselves – as a leader of government – to an unacceptability as silent as, as has unfortunately happened to other essential issues. "

Van der Bellen practiced. Vilimsky insulted the president Juncker Commission t in a "disgusting" manner and no one from the federal government has responded, criticized the federal president.


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