SPÖ politician, Kern and Katzian, are the "laziest MPs"


Who is the most lazy member of the Austrian Parliament? This asked Addendum and recorded in a politometer the voting behavior and speeches of deputies since the beginning of this legislative period. Result: the Reds will not be happy.

Upper House deputies do not interest comrades

Because these two deputies of SPÖ, namely club president Christian Kern and trade unionist Wolfgang Katzian, are ostensibly still for the active population are themselves very lazy when it's activities in the House. For example, the two comrades missed the most votes, Katzian 73.5 percent of the 358 polls, core 69.3 percent. No one else has shown less respect to parliament than opposition leader Kern and Katzian.

Criticism Kern Must Be Criticized Himself

Straight core will hurt this measure of Addendum that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of the ÖVP too often avoids the House – wrongly incidentally because Kurz often participates in these meetings at meetings of the European Union. And being in two places at once does not even create short – even if Kern still wants it.

Now, faced with the facts of Addendum SPÖ boss Christian Kern can not miss more beautiful speeches. There are facts on the table. And they show how important it is "to agree on issues that concern Austrians.

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